Week Theme Date Topic Scott Greenbaum & Chartier
16 Preliminaries; Solution of Non-Linear Equations Tue 20.4.
Thu 22.4.
Tue: Floating-Point Arithmetic
Thu: Solution of Non-Linear Equations: Bisection, Newton
Chapter 18: Floating Point
Chapter 5: Floating-Point Arithmetic
Chapter 4: Solution of a Single Nonlinear Equation in One Unknown
17 Interpolation Tue 27.4.
Thu 29.4.
Tue: Lagrange Interpolation
Thu: Newton Interpolation, Interpolation Error
Chapter 10: Polynomial Interpolation Chapter 8 Polynomial and Piecewise Polynomial Interpolation
18 Piecewise Interpolation Tue 4.5.
Thu 6.5.
Tue: Hermite Interpolation, Splines
Thu: Bezier
Chapter 10: Polynomial Interpolation Chapter 8 Polynomial and Piecewise Polynomial Interpolation
19 Numerical Integration Tue 11.5.
Fri 14.5.
Tue: Monte Carlo, Newton-Cotes
Thu: Gauss Quadrature
Chapter 13: Numerical Quadrature Chapter 3 Monte Carlo Methods
Chapter 10 Numerical Integration
20 Initial Value Problems Tue 18.5.
Thu 20.5.
Tue: Euler's Method
Thu: Linear Multistep Methods
Chapter 16: Ordinary Differential Equations Chapter 11: Numerical Solution of the Initial Value Problem for ODEs
Senast redigerad: tisdag, 4 maj 2021, 19:16