
Teaching Tuesdays in Väre building in Aalto University Metro Block, Otaniemi, space J302; except often online as marked in the timetable.

14.9. LIVE 9:15-12 (-13)  start 


AA: course intro, group task intro (1h)

  • break
  • intro lectures / teasers:  
    • AA: hybrid buildings / blocks in urbanism 0,5 h
    • SM: Urban space as a site of struggle 0,5 h
  • analysis start 0,5 h

21.9. ONLINE 9:15-12 (-13) lecture + analysis seminar  

MW (2h critique)

SM (1h lecture + 2 h critique)

AA (11-)

  • 9:15-10 lecture, Sami Moisio (45 min): The politics of planning central locations in a city: The Guggenheim Helsinki case and beyond
  • 10:15-12 Analysis seminar (4 student group presentations; 15 min presentations + 15 min discussion / group), tot. 2h 
  • 11:45: AA: concept design task given, 15 min - the students will continue in 2 persons’ groups, architecture students and others separately. 

28.9. LIVE 9:15-12 (-13) 

MW (2h tutoring)

AA (1+2)

  • 9-10 lecture AA: Learnings from own work related to the topic issue of the course (1h) 
  • 10-12 (-13) tutorials AA + MW (2h)

5.10. ONLINE 9:15-13  Hybrid building seminar with Tongji University, Shanghai 

AA + JS 4h

  • with Jarmo Suominen and his students at Tongji University

12.10. ONLINE Concept review 9-13 

SM (3h), MW (3h)

  • schematic design task given 15 min (MW), the same 2-people groups continue. The student groups define the extents of their design by themselves (space / building / block / area)
  • review of students’ groupworks 2h 45 min

19.10. ONLINE 9:15-12 (13)

JS (1+2h), MW (2h), AA (1h)

  • 9:15-10 lecture (JS) 1h
  • 10:05-10:35 Tongji synthesis of the previous joint workshop
  • 10:35-12 tutorials JS + MW 

26.10. LIVE 9:15-12 lecture & tutorials 

AA + Kivi Sotamaa (1+2h)

  • 9:15-10 lecture (Kivi Sotamaa)
  • 10-12 tutoring (AA+KS)

2.11. ONLINE tutorials 9:15-12 (13) 

AA + JS (3h)

9.11 ONLINE 9:15-13  Schema -  review 1 (mid-review; the same task continues)

AA, SM, JS, MW (4h)

16.11. ONLINE 9:15-12 tutorials 

AA + MW (3h)

23.11. ONLINE 9:15-12 tutorials 

MW + JS (3h)

30.11. LIVE 9:15-12 tutorials

9:15-12 AA + JE (3h)

7.12. ONLINE final review 9:15-13 

AA, JS, SM, MW (4h)

Senast redigerad: fredag, 29 oktober 2021, 14:50