What does Mandarin Chinese sound like? 

Please listen to a Chinese song:

Learning diary

Please go through the following videos and write a learning diary. You are free to choose the form, but please mention at least the following:  When you went through the materials, how long did each session take, what have you learned, what were your feelings, etc.

Introduction: The Definition of Pinyin and Tone

Pinyin initial consonants

Pinyin difficult initial consonants - Part 1

Pinyin difficult initial consonants - Part 2

Pinyin Simple Vowels (a, o, e, i, u)

Pinyin Compound Vowels

Chinese in 5 minutes

Please go through the video and practice reading aloud the phrases:

BBC Tones: Listen and Repeat

Please go through ”Learn the Tones”-session. After you have listened and repeated the tones, please keep clicking ”Next” to go to the next word:

Chinese games - Tone game (BBC)

Senast redigerad: fredag, 16 april 2021, 20:03