请 问 贵 姓?
Qǐng wèn guì xìng
What is your (honorable) last name?

Two people are shaking hands.

The first thing you will do at a business meeting is getting to know the people around you. “请问贵姓? (qǐng wèn guì xìng)” is a formal way of asking someone how to address them, and is more appropriate in a business setting than the casual “你叫什么?” (Nǐ jiào shénme) - What’s your name?

你 叫 什么?
Nǐ jiào shénme
What’s your name?

The other person will usually respond by telling you their full name, or just their last name. Either way, you should address them formally with “[insert last name] 先生 (xiānshēng) - Mr. _” or “[insert last name] 女士 (nǚshì) - Ms. _” unless you are told otherwise.                           

[insert last name]   先 生 xiānshēng
Mr. _
[insert last name]   女 士 nǚshì 
Ms. _
Senast redigerad: fredag, 2 april 2021, 11:45