How do I contact the course staff?

The course staff can be reached in two different ways.

  • On the Zulip chat of the course. The course has a Zulip chat for discussion available here for this semester. Access to the Zulip instance is by invitation only; all enrolled students will be invited through their Aalto email address and will be able to access the chat with their Aalto credentials. The chat has several streams (i.e., channels): #announcements for course-related notifications by course staff (students cannot post there); #general for discussion on course topics unrelated to specific modules, including arrangements and practicalities; one stream for each online module, starting with #m, for discussion on the related material, exercises and assignments. Streams in the Zulip instance of the course are public, namely, their content is visible to all channel members. Do not send private messages to the course staff but send an email to the course alias should you anything confidential to discuss (see below for the details). Zulip is the recommended way to interact with course staff.
  • Over email through the course alias. As an alternative, you can send an email to the course email alias; please use a subject that starts with the course code and is followed by a brief summary of your message. This is the preferred option for anything that you do not want (or you should not) share publicly over a channel, or to request a meeting. Do not contact the course staff through their individual email addresses, but rather use the course alias as it reaches all staff members.
See also a related section on the code of conduct of the course.

Viimeksi muutettu: maanantaina 13. syyskuuta 2021, 13.50