25E18000 - Sustainable Entrepreneurship, Lecture, 1.11.2021-8.12.2021
This course space end date is set to 08.12.2021 Search Courses: 25E18000
Reflections and Comments (instructions and grading)
I want you to discuss your personal views and opinions. My goal is to have you engage in a spirited conversation about Sustainable Entrepreneurship. Of course, I do need to give you a grade, so the following are the criteria:
Write a minimum of three reflections (350-500 words), on any of the course materials. You might consider reflecting on topics such as:
o Continue a discussion point from in class
o What did you disagree with in class?
o What did you find compelling from the class?
o How does this apply to real-world problems that you have seen?
o DO any examples from your working life come to mind?
o What is still unclear from class? (Be sure to do more than just ask a question though! Develop what you know so you can point out the gaps.)
o How can you extend one of the points from class?
o How does this apply to the consulting project you have?
o How does a topic from this class link to what I spoke about in another class?
o How does a topic from this class link to your other courses?
Write a minimum of five short comments on others’ reflections and on others’ comments. Short comments need to be a minimum of 150 words, so there is actually some depth. Your job here will not be to simply conform to or oppose your colleague’s writing, but to provide your personal view on it, with the view of furthering discussion. The following may help you
o Do you agree/disagree with what someone wrote?
o How can you push their thinking?
o How does what they said tie into real world examples?
o What unresolved questions does this post leave?
Across all your reflections and comments, one thing I want you to consider is why you view a topic differently than someone else. What are the underlying assumptions that both of you may bring to the conversation? What other life experiences may make you see the same topic differently? In short, try to engage not just with a conversation, but with the underlying reasons why you may have differences of opinions.
Both the reflections and sets of comments will contribute to your grade. You are welcome to do more than three reflections and more than eight comments. I will take your highest grades from each category, e.g. you can improve your grade if desired.
All comments and reflections will be given a grade of 0-10. I expect most will receive a 7, 8, or 9, with 10s being reserved for those that are exceptionally insightful. Here are a few pointers that will help you get a good grade.
Things that will help you get a good grade of your reflection:
- Rooting your reflection in class materials
- Using real life examples to explore the complexities of the class materials
- Disagreeing with the viewpoints presented in class…in a well-reasoned way. Remember, the views of the instructors are just one point of view, and you are very much encouraged to disagree with them, if you see fit.
- Being very clear about where your lingering questions and doubts are. What are you unsure of? What confuses you? Of course, there is a balance here. One has to bring a viewpoint. Perhaps you are confused because two points seem contradictory. That would be an excellent topic for reflection.
Things that are not helpful for getting a good grade:
- Ignoring class materials, or making it hard to see how this fits into my overall course
- Making an irrelevant or overly general argument
- Being overly argumentative
Overall, when wondering about how you will be graded, default to common sense: are you adding value to the discussion, or are you simply going through the motions? My grading is done in a commonsense manner; if you add value, I will grade it well
Things that are likely to get you a good grade:
· Having a back-and-forth with other class participants will go a long way to showing the quality of your comments. Generally, when the quality of these back-and-forths is excellent, a good grade is received by all. Contributing to a constructive discussion is not only helpful to you but to others as well!
- Posting a well-reasoned response to someone else’s point of view, which acknowledges their views and builds on this, potentially by disagreeing with them. If you disagree though, be clear about what parts of the point of view you disagree with.
- Having an insightful back-and-forth with other commenters, rather than posting a one-off comment
- Integrating viewpoints from class
Things that are not helpful to getting a good grade
- Being unprofessional
- Ignoring existing comments
- Arguing for the sake of arguing
- Posting 15 comments and hoping one of them is good. Remember, quality over quantity.