ALC-7210 - Suomi 1, Finnish 1 intensive web course Jan-Mar 2022, 24.1.2022-16.3.2022
This course space end date is set to 16.03.2022 Search Courses: ALC-7210
Do you want coffee? -video
Krav för slutförande
In the following video Leena and Tapani meet in a café:
First, they greet and then Tapani asks Leena, if she wants to have some coffee: "Haluatko kahvia?" Do you want some coffee?
Leena wants to know, how much it is: "Mitä se maksaa?" How much is it?
Tapani wants to pay and he say: "Minä voin tarjota. It is on me.
Leena takes a big coffee and a bun: "Kiitos, minä otan ison kahvin ja pullan." Thanks, I will have (I take) a big coffee and a bun.
Tapani brings the coffee and the bun and says: "Ole hyvä!" Here you are!
Leena responses with a colloquial thank you: "Kiitti!" Thanks!
In the following video Leena and Tapani are discussing their weekend plans:
Mitä sinä teet viikonloppuna?
What are you doing this weekend?
Minä menen leffaan.
I'll go to the movies.
Olen kotona.
I'll be at home.
Menen tyttöystävän kanssa ostoksille.
I'll go shopping with the girlfriend.
Me menemme teatteriin.
We are going to the theater.
Senast redigerad: måndag, 5 oktober 2020, 18:24