Describing and giving one's opinion on a working environment: 4 questions to coworkers (8 points)

Planning and scheduling - organising an activity or an outing: Write a 4-step programme (12 points)

Telling about a past experience or event: Tell a personal anecdote to a friend in at least 80 words, with elements of context and descritpion (12 poins)

Reporting on health and illness (pp. 160-161): Write a short dialogue between a medical professional and a patient (12 points)

Listening comprehension: Differentiate présent/passé composé/imparfait (6 points)

Grammar contents:

Relative pronouns qui , que and
Passé composé / imparfait
Formal/standard/informal questions
Conjugation: passé composé, imparfait, futur simple, conditionnel présent
Pronoun  Y

Viimeksi muutettu: maanantaina 21. helmikuuta 2022, 18.53