6/9 Start, analysis task given

13/9 Site visit 9:15-12. Meeting at 9:15 at Karhusaari Villa's entrance. Hosts: Kari Mikkelä, Pro Karhusaari association and Susanna Ahovaara, The City of Espoo, Economic Development Unit.

20/9 Analysis seminar 9:15-12. (Space: O112)

27/9 Kati's lecture cancelled. Tutoring 10:15-12 (Space: P104 & J302)

4/10 Karoliina's lecture on urban regeneration 9:15-10 (Space: P310), tutoring 10:15-12 (Space: P310 & J302), the students have decided on their own development task: the site (Aalto students) / topic (UH students) and room programme (Aalto students) / method (UH students). 

11/10 Concept review 9:15-12 (Space: P104)

25/10 Antti's lecture on collaborative design 9:15-10 (Space: P210), tutoring 10:15-12 (Space: P210 & J302)

1/11 Kati's lecture on urban planning in the vicinity of our design area (Arch. Kati Kivelä, Espoo City Plannig Bureau) 9:15-10 (Space: O112)Tutoring 10:15-12 (Space: O112)

8/11  Karoliina facilitates role play on different interests regarding urban development  9:15-10 (Space: P104), tutoring 10:15-12 (Space: P104 & J302)

15/11 Scheme review 9:15-12 (Space: P104)

22/11 Antti's Lecture: Forgotten Place 9:15-10 (Space: O112). Tutoring 10:15-12 (Space: O112 & J302)

29/11 Tutoring 9:15-12 (Space: O112 & J302)

13/12 Final Review 9:15-12 (Space: Q102)

Senast redigerad: tisdag, 15 november 2022, 15:25