ABL-E1999 - Master's Thesis Seminar, Seminar (autumn), 5.9.2022-2.12.2022
Kurssiasetusten perusteella kurssi on päättynyt 02.12.2022 Etsi kursseja: ABL-E1999
Suorituksen vaatimukset
- ScopusQuery is a self-made tool for creating targeted article searches to journal articles.
- The user defines keywords for the search, then chooses the journal domain (e.g., accounting) and journal grade (e.g. on the Financial Times Top-50 list)
- Finally, the user copy-pastes the created search string into Scopus' Advanced Search Box and executes the search.
- Full instructions with screenshots (link)
Use Aalto VPN with ScopusQuery and Scopus!
Viimeksi muutettu: tiistaina 11. tammikuuta 2022, 10.06