WAT-E1100 - Water and Environmental Engineering, Lecture, 5.9.2022-24.10.2022
Kurssiasetusten perusteella kurssi on päättynyt 24.10.2022 Etsi kursseja: WAT-E1100
Laboratory Safety Exam
To take the laboratory safety exam, students must register enrol to AALTOLAB ENG Water and Environmental Engineering -course at https://openlearning.aalto.fi/course/view.php?id=152. Log in and Self-enrol to the course (enrollment key: ENGwater).
Follow the instructions on the page: watch and understand how various laboratory safety equipment work and take the exam (you are also allowed multiple tries, if needed). You are allowed to use the Virtual laboratory while giving this exam. The idea is to ensure that students understand the steps they need to take in case of an accident in the lab and not to blindly memorize lab safety protocol.
Note that the exam must be completed (min. 50% correct) by by Sunday 18.9 i.e. before Week 3.
At the beginning of the laboratory work during Week 6, we also organize also a short safety tour in the lab. Only students who have passed the exam and taken the lab tour in our lab can take part in the lab work during Week 6.
If you have already done a similar exam and/or worked in our lab, contact Heikki Särkkä (@aalto.fi).