LC-7210 - Suomi 1_H02 intensiivi, Luento-opetus, 24.10.2022-30.11.2022
This course space end date is set to 30.11.2022 Search Courses: LC-7210
Meals (teksti ja audio)
Krav för slutförande
Breakfast (aamiainen) is a substancial meal and it usually consists of sandwiches with toppings such as cheese or cold cuts. Other common breakfast foods are yoghurt or viili (similar to yoghurt but less sour) with cereals. Porridge (puuro) is also commonly eaten at breakfast. Lunch (lounas) eaten around noon, is normally a warm meal. Many workplaces have a lunch restaurant and a hot free lunch is served in all primary and secondary schools. We have two words for dinner: päivällinen and illallinen. Päivällinen is eaten around 18:00 'clock but illallinen can be eaten much later and it may also be more formal than päivällinen.
aamiainen breakfast
lounas lunch
päivällinen supper, dinner
illallinen dinner
Senast redigerad: måndag, 16 november 2020, 14:04