Course schedule H13: dates, topics, homework and deadlines

This schedule includes the dates with the weekly topics and homework & deadlines for the online modules, assignments and other coursework. The schedule is tentative and changes may still occur.
WEEK 1        WED 11.1.2023.  
Assignment due: –  Be prepared to discuss Assignment 1  (pre-course task: topic research).

1) 12.30-14.00  

  • Intro to the course and assignments
  • Principles of successful communication
  • The concept of genre and genre recognition

2) 14.15-15.45 

  • Getting to know you
  • Avoiding plagiarism
  • Patterns of organization: Problem-solution (A2)                                    

HOMEWORK:  Online modules 1 Style and form, part 1: formal grammar (takes about 2 hrs. to complete) and 2 Style and Form, part 2: word choice (takes about 2-3 hrs. to complete); Write A2
WEEK 2      WED 18.1.
Assignment due: Online modules 1 and 2 completed. Submit A2 to MyCourses and be prepared to share it in

3) 12.30-14.00 

  • Giving and receiving feedback 
  • Clarity and accuracy: peer feedback on A2                   

4) 14.15-15.45     

  • Patterns of organization: Definition (A3)           

HOMEWORK: Online modules 3 Given-New principle (takes about 3 hrs to complete) and 4 Light-before-heavy principle (takes about 3 hrs to complete); Write A3 
WEEK 3       WED 25.1.
Assignment due: Online modules 3 & 4 completed. Bring A3 to class for small group discussion.

5) 12.30-14.00    

  • Presentation workshop 1
6) 14.15-15.45  

  • Writing the conclusion paragraph
  • Peer feedback on A2 + A3

HOMEWORK: Online Module 5 Active verbs. Write A4 (first full draft of the report). Signup for presentation practice sessions and final presentation conferences.

WEEK 4       WED 1.2. Peer Review of first full draft A Recommendation

Assignment due: Online module 5 completed. Bring A4 to class for peer feedback.

7) 12.30-14.00    

  • Peer feedback on A4 
  • Summarizing and paraphrasing
8) 14.15-15.45  

  • Presentation workshop 2

HOMEWORK: Revise A4 based on peer feedback, Write A5 (presentation outline), and prepare slides for presentation practice session (A6). 

WEEK 5       WED 8.2. Presentation practice sessions Groups 1 and 2

Assignment due: Rehearsal Groups 1-2: Be ready to practice the presentation with slides (submit your outline and slides to MyCourses before the presentation rehearsal). Rehearsal Groups 3-4: Submit A4 and A5 on MyCourses by class time (12:30). 

9)  12.00-14.00    

  • Presentation practice session: Group 1
9)  14.15-15.45   

  • Presentation practice session: Group 2


Rehearsal groups 1-2:  Complete A7 Self-evaluation and analysis (submit to MC within 48 h). Revise A4 based on teacher feedback.

Rehearsal groups 3-4: Revise A4 based on teacher feedback, and prepare for presentation practice session (A6).

WEEK 6       WED 15.2. Presentation practice sessions Groups 3 and 4

Assignment due: Rehearsal groups 1-2: Submit A4 on MyCourses by class time (12:30)Rehearsal groups 3-4: Be ready to practice the presentation with slides (submit your slides to MyCourses before the presentation rehearsal).

9)  12.30-14.00    

  • Presentation practice session: Group 3
9) 14.15-15.45   

  • Presentation practice session: Group 4

HOMEWORK: Rehearsal groups 3-4: Complete A7 Self-evaluation and analysis (submit to MC within 48 h). All students: Prepare for final presentations and submission of final report A RECOMMENDATION.


WEEK  7      WED 22.2.      Final presentations

Assignments due: Submit your final version of slides to MC/Final presentation before the conference! You only need to sign up for one 90-minute session       

  • Conference 1:  Final presentations       
10) 10.15-11.45

  • Conference 2:  Final presentations

10) 12.45-14.15    

  • Conference 3:  Final presentations       
10) 14.30-16.00    

  • Conference 4:  Final presentations

FINAL REPORT: A RECOMMENDATION due on Fri 24.2 at 9am.  Submit to MyCourses.

Viimeksi muutettu: keskiviikkona 25. tammikuuta 2023, 12.23