Before coming to the first lecture, familiarize yourself with learning diaries and how they are written. Think about writing a learning diary and what it means - or might mean - for you and your learning.

Read, with thought, the section Learning diaries about the use and grading of learning diaries on this course. Remember, that your learning diary entries strongly affect your grade (learning diaries and peer assessment make 50 % of the final grade), so it is very important that you understand how they are written and assessed. 

On the first lecture we will discuss how learning diaries are used on this course, and start using reflective writing right away, and we will assume everyone has read the instructions as we are not spending too much time going over the basic information given on the website.

This time it's enough to read through the instructions and do the thinking -- no need to submit anything.

Senast redigerad: onsdag, 16 december 2020, 12:32