You have seen plenty of pictures of the planets in our Solar System, such as this, and you will see many more during the course. Don't forget that these visualisations are usually not to scale. These ones are one is: .  

For this task, try to get a feeling of the size and scale of the Solar System. Choose one of the sites/videos and do at least the following steps:

  1. Start from the Sun, and scroll all the way to the nearest planet, Mercury.
  2. Continue for other planets (or use the links "cheat").
  3. Eventually, move to and stop at Earth. Try to grasp the distance to Mars by first paying attention to the size of the Earth, and then start scrolling down until you reach the red planet. Feel free to make space rocket noises; "whooosh" is a good start (but what does a rocket really sound in space?). Remember that the Earth was a few dozen pixels in size - how tiny would the spaceship be? Does it still feel surprising that there have been no manned missions to Mars.

You have completed this task after you have done the things described above.

Senast redigerad: fredag, 9 december 2022, 14:36