Group work 18% (the quality of analysis and conception including the quality of collaboration )

Individual work 82%

The influence of late submission to the grade of the assignment:

- less than week: -0,25 

- week - one month: -0,5

- more than month: -1,0

Late submissions will receive only a grade.

Evaluation criteria for the final submission:

Application of the concept

1 incomplete

2 inconsistent

3 clear and consistent

4 careful

5 commendable

Overall approach of architecture: volumetric design, material world, spaces

1 incomplete

2 inconsistent

3 impressive

4 better than average

5 commendable

Relationship to place

1 lacking

2 partly unclear

3 relates to context

4 better than average

5 takes excellent account

Programming, use, atmosphere

1 confused and incomplete

2 individual inconsistencies

3 consistent

4 impressive

5 excellent arrangements + intense atmosphere


1 pending or invalid

2 shortcomings

3 consistent

4 diligence

5 exceptional skill, detailing takes the work to a new level


1 impurity, deficiency, confusion and excessive length / quantity

2 uncertain and excessive

3 clean and clear, keeps to the given dimensions

4 aesthetic quality, balance, clarity

5 commendable, the presentation strengthens the work

The weight of different criteria can vary in the combined assessment.

Senast redigerad: måndag, 9 januari 2023, 15:54