ELEC-C5220 - Koneoppiminen informaatioteknologiassa, Luento-opetus, 11.1.2024-25.4.2024
This course space end date is set to 25.04.2024 Search Courses: ELEC-C5220
Grades and Exercise points
Completion requirements
Tarkista projektisi ja viikkoharjoitusten pisteet tästä Excel taulukosta.
Pisterajat arvosanoille:
- 5: 90-
- 4: 80-89
- 3: 70-79
- 2: 60-69
- 1: 50-59
- 0: 0-49
Check your project and weekly exercise points from this Excel sheet.
Final grade ranges are:
- 5: 90-above
- 4: 80-89
- 3: 70-79
- 2: 60-69
- 1: 50-59
- 0: 0-49
Click KOIT2024-FinalGrades-2024-05-28.xlsx link to view the file.