CHEM3048.kand - Kandidaatintyö ja seminaari CHEM3048.kand, Luento-opetus, 9.1.2024-17.5.2024
Kurssiasetusten perusteella kurssi on päättynyt 17.05.2024 Etsi kursseja: CHEM3048.kand
English workshop1: sign up here!
Suorituksen vaatimukset
Submit the introduction section of your thesis - as it is at the moment - to MyCourses, section Palautukset/Submissions Wednesday, 29.02 prior to the workshop meeting. Please only include the requested pages (not the whole thesis template). In addition, bring it to the workshop for peer reading.
Text sample = 2-3 pages that include
1) the title page of the thesis
2) the introduction section (continuous
text, not notes or extract
Vierailijat eivät voi tehdä täällä mitään.