LC-1117 - Integrated Oral and Written Skills (o,w), Lecture (integrated with KIG-C1010), 10.1.2024-27.3.2024
Kurssiasetusten perusteella kurssi on päättynyt 27.03.2024 Etsi kursseja: LC-1117
Scheduler 2: Final conference - sign up!
Suorituksen vaatimukset
Each student will participate in one final presentation session.
Please join the final session prepared to give your talk as a whole, with slides. The final session will be conducted in class. Each presentation will be video recorded to enable grading. After each presentation, we'll have Q&A session, so you are expected to invite and answer questions related to your presentation topic, and you are expected to ask questions from other presenters.
Vierailijat eivät voi tehdä täällä mitään.