Write a description of the proposed solution and add it to your report, after the introduction paragraph (A2).


Pattern of organisation    Extended definition
Topic                                  The solution proposed in A2 (Introduction paragraph)
Audience                            Decision makers, educated but non-expert
Length                                300 words

Write an extended definition of the solution that you introduced in the first paragraph of the recommendation report (A2).  This extended definition will thus become the body section of your report, defining the recommended technology or method to your client in terms of its key properties. Research the solution further to find relevant facts and figures to describe each of these defining features.
The extended definition must discuss 3-4 types of information (amplification methods/defining features) and be based on at least 2-3 sources.

A3 must include the following elements:

·        Your name
·        Title (name of the solution)
·        INTRODUCTION (A2: Problem-solution, 150-200 words)
·        DESCRIPTION of the SOLUTION (extended definition, 250-300 words)
         -   Sentence definition of the solution
         -   3-4 types of defining information (amplification methods) to define and describe the solution:
              For example,
                      analysis of parts                        (What are its parts or types?)
                      operating principles                  (How does it work?)
                      applications/examples              (How is it used or applied, who by?)
                      analogy/comparison                 (Is it similar to something already familiar?)
                      advantages/disadvantages       (What are its strengths/weaknesses?)   
                      physical appearance/ features  (What does it look like? What are its characteristic features?)

·        In-text citations to sources
·        List of references (min. 2)

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