Reflections on learning is an in class activity, 100-150 words.

The purpose of Writing activity 5: Reflection on learning is to reflect on your learning experiences from this course. The tone can be informal so please do not worry about academic style, punctuation or topic sentences when answering. :) Answer the following questions by submitting a 2-3 paragraph answer:

1) Learning can be defined as relatively permanent change in behavior or practices. With regard to your own learning, has this course instigated any change in your writing practices?  If so, please describe what change has been initiated. If not, please explain why no change has been initiated.

2) At the beginning of our course, you were asked to reflect on your goals and expectations for this course. With regard to what you wrote, which one of your own learning goals do you feel you met the best? Why do you think this happened?

3) Is there a particular learning goal which you feel you did not meet?  Why do you think this happened?

4) If you had to give tips to future students of this course, what would you tell them?

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