(obligatory, max 32 points)


Write the research methodology for your future master thesis.

In this exercise, you can use all the knowledge you have learned throughout this course and assignment number 1, to get a substantial part of your master thesis done: your research methodology and research framework.

Now you know how conducting research is done, argue for your own research project. The goal is to get the actual part of your later master thesis ready. But do not worry and stress out; there will still be feedback on this assignment afterwards to still improve and adjust this part for your final master thesis. But doing it already will take a lot of work from your plate and will eventually improve your final research work.

In total, you can write up to 20 pages. You do not need to write these many pages but take into account that there are many steps and topics to cover. Make also sure that you not only write what you think, but use references from scientific books in order to advocate and justify for what you do. This is a scientific work and will be used in you actual thesis.


Start with specifying again an introduction to your topic and working title. This includes a brief description of the topic, the aim, research objectives and research question(s) to be addressed. 

The aim of the research provides a description of what you want to achieve from carrying out this research.

The objectives of the research outline the particular issues that you need to address in order to achieve the aim above. They are more specific than the aim, in that they outline the particular dimensions of your research topic, which are relevant to the overall aim of your research.

The research question(s) are more specific than your research objectives and specify the various insights/information that need to be collected in order to achieve the objectives. Keep in mind that the research question often starts with a Why, How, or What.


Now you focus on the research methodology, which may differ (in case you employ a qualitative or quantitative approach):



Step 1: Research Approach and Research Strategy


Describe the data and data collection method of your study. In your overview, include (a) what kind of data will be used in your study, (b) why you chose this data, and consider it appropriate for answering your research question, and (c) how you collected it.


Step 2: Research Design

A) Present the key elements of your research, by indicating (a) what are the theoretical concepts that you are studying, and (b) which variables you have chosen to represent each of these concepts.

B) Explain the relationships between the concepts: (a) draw a simple model that shows how the concepts/variables are related, (b) formulate the hypotheses that you could test through the empirical analysis.

C) Provide an overview of how you would report the findings of your research. Although you have not fully analysed your data and gained results, think about the objectives and question to be tackled with your research, and assess (a) who do you think would benefit from your study, (b) what kind of implications your study could offer, and (c) how would you disseminate your research results. [ c) could theoretically also be added later. You are free to find the best suitable position for this]

Step 3: Data Analysis

Write an assessment of the data. What is typical in your data? How is it distributed? What do you find interesting or surprising? What are (potential) findings?

Explain shortly how you could analyze the data further


Step 4: Validity and Reliability

Explain what potential weaknesses are connected to your data and the gathering process of this data. Therefore, you need to analyze your research methodology critically and question yourself.

Show also how you tackle these weaknesses and try to make the process as valid and reliable as possible.


Step 5: Limitations:

Think about limitations to your paper in general and your research in particular. Be critical and name them.

Step 1: Research Approach and Research Strategy
Describe the general qualitative tradition you will follow in your research design. Describe the research context and the specific samples which you are using. Advocate why this is useful for your particular research and your research question(s). Include already why and how your are going to collect the qualitative data. 

Step 2: Research Design

A) Present the key elements of your research, by indicating (a) what are the theoretical concepts that you are studying, and (b) how you make the connection to be able to test these using your qualitative research. 

B) Sample: Describe the sample(s) which you are using and why you are using it. (This includes amongst others: Specifying the number and nature of participants / texts / videos you intend to collect and why. For example, number of interviewees of particular age, gender, and occupational background; how they were chosen and how you gained access to the organizations / interviewees / material.)

C) Describe your data collection methods: what kind of data you will collect (type of interviews, documents, observations etc.), and how you will collect it

(e.g. who you interview, why them, how long / how many times/, how the interviews are transcribed etc.).

Step 3: Data Analysis

Provide a description of what kind of analysis method(s) you will use and why Also explain and justify your analysis steps and results as well as the analysis plan. After that, write an assessment of the findings.

Step 4: Validity and Reliability

Explain what potential weaknesses are connected to your sample(s) and the gathering process of your information. Therefore, you need to analyze your research methodology critically and question yourself.

Show also how you tackle these weaknesses and try to make the process as valid and reliable as possible.


Step 5: Limitations:

Think about limitations to your paper in general and your research in particular. Be critical and name them.

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