This draft is worth 5% of the grade. Your teacher will comment it. You will then have an opportunity to view this feedback and incorporate the improvements to the final version.

You will also give and get feedback: each person comments two peer's papers and vice versa. Peer review is 2% + 2% = 4% of the grade.

Paper guidelines:

In this course, you’ll be writing a state-of-art review report, which summarises the recent and most current research on a particular research area. This report surveys all the on-going arguments and debates. It requires an understanding of prior research and sometimes has to include an explanation of earlier research findings and their possible limitations. Your report will imitate in the most simple form an academic article. Keep in mind that the scope will be narrow and you will not expected to read tens of articles for your background reading. However, you will be required to find at least five journal articles and in addition to that possible books or other reliable sources.

 Length of report: 1000-1300 words (no punishment if it goes over the limit, within reason), + 150 word abstract

Citation system: IEEE (numerical) or Harvard (author-date), min. of five peer-reviewed articles from reputable journals

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