23E57000 - Fashion Marketing, Lecture, 2.11.2021-9.12.2021
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Individual Assignment
This is your chance to write about a brand that interests you! Choose a fashion brand and write an academic essay that analytically explores the marketing strategy of a fashion brand of your choice in the light of topics we have covered in the course (lectures and readings). Tie your evaluation also to current retail and market trends that you believe have the biggest influence on the fashion company of your choice, explain how and why.
- To be completed individually.
- Maximum length of 4500 words (+ possible appendix); Times New Roman 12pt, 1,5 spaced.
- Visuals are welcome however, if many, please put them in an appendix.
- Please submit in pdf format.
- The assignment is worth 55 points or, 55% of your final grade.
For more information please refer to the assignment guidelines located in the MyCourses materials.
Individual Assignment
This is your chance to write about a brand that interests you! Choose a fashion brand and write an academic essay that analytically explores the marketing strategy of a fashion brand of your choice in the light of topics we have covered in the course (lectures and readings). Tie your evaluation also to current retail and market trends that you believe have the biggest influence on the fashion company of your choice, explain how and why.
- To be completed individually.
- Maximum length of 4500 words (+ possible appendix); Times New Roman 12pt, 1,5 spaced.
- Visuals are welcome however, if many, please put them in an appendix.
- Please submit in pdf format.
- The assignment is worth 55 points or, 55% of your final grade.
For more information please refer to the assignment guidelines located in the MyCourses materials.
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