ARTS3101.kand - Bachelor's Thesis and Seminar, Bachelor's thesis, 14.1.2022-14.4.2022
Kurssiasetusten perusteella kurssi on päättynyt 14.04.2022 Etsi kursseja: ARTS3101.kand
Final: Bachelor's Thesis
Please submit a document of your bachelor's thesis in a MS Word file.
The due date is strictly by the end of 13 April but you can submit your file earlier to check the originality of your texts.
You will receive a report through Turnitin how much of your texts need references to avoid possible plagiarism.
Read carefully the following grading criteria for your bachelor's thesis. To simplify the process, Score 2 and 4 from each criterion were removed. After considering the overall scores from this matrix, you will receive a grade in the two-step process:
- First, your advisor will propose a grade of your thesis based on this matrix; and
- Second, supervisors will decide the final grade.
Please submit a document of your bachelor's thesis in a MS Word file.
The due date is strictly by the end of 13 April but you can submit your file earlier to check the originality of your texts.
You will receive a report through Turnitin how much of your texts need references to avoid possible plagiarism.
Read carefully the following grading criteria for your bachelor's thesis. To simplify the process, Score 2 and 4 from each criterion were removed. After considering the overall scores from this matrix, you will receive a grade in the two-step process:
- First, your advisor will propose a grade of your thesis based on this matrix; and
- Second, supervisors will decide the final grade.
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