Screencasts for R

Screencast: Data analysis assignment 2 with R

Screencast: Data analysis assignment 2 with R (Nonlinear effects and simple slopes)

Screencasts for Stata

Screencast: Data analysis assignment 2 with Stata (Using menus)

Screencast: Data analysis assignment 2 with Stata (Alternative version by typing commands. No simple slopes analysis.)

Screencasts for SPSS

Screencasts: Interactions in SPSS

Screencasts: F test in SPSS

Screencasts: Mediation in SPSS using the PROCEES macro 

The "Interactions in SPSS" screencast explains how to calculate a marginal effects plot using excel. The location is about 6:00-13:00.

See the screencasts for data analysis assignment 1 for how to do data exploration and regression diagnostics.

Last modified: Tuesday, 22 February 2022, 6:57 AM