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  • Uppgiftsinformation Inlämningstiden börjar måndag, 16 november 2020, 08:15 (för 1434 dagar sedan)
  • Uppgiftsinformation Inlämningstiden går ut: måndag, 23 november 2020, 08:00 (för 1427 dagar sedan)
Kollegial utvärdering
  • Uppgiftsinformation Tiden för kollegial feedback börjar måndag, 23 november 2020, 08:15 (för 1427 dagar sedan)
  • Uppgiftsinformation Tiden för kollegial feedback går ut: måndag, 30 november 2020, 08:00 (för 1420 dagar sedan)
Bedömning av kollegiala utvärderingarna
Aktuell fas

You had clearly learned a lot studying about Planning Poker and then writing about it. It is indeed an useful tool for reaching consensus in team's estimations!  The most difficult part of this week seemed to be the comparison. More often than not it's a good idea to combine using both expert and algorithmic models.

Generally expert estimates are more popular in software industry, and agile methods use them only. They may work better for uncertain situations, too. However, with more similarity between projects it can be useful to rely more on algorithmic estimation.

Remember that you’ll get some extra points for leaving course feedback. Your personal feedback link should be in your inbox, and the sender is ””. Non-Aalto students should note that the link is not in your personal email (like other course communication), but instead in your Aalto webmail (