
Workshoptidslinje med 5 faserHoppa till nuvarande uppgifter
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Inlämning av uppgifterna
  • Uppgiftsinformation Inlämningstiden börjar måndag, 5 april 2021, 08:15 (för 1296 dagar sedan)
  • Uppgiftsinformation Inlämningstiden går ut: måndag, 19 april 2021, 08:00 (för 1282 dagar sedan)
Kollegial utvärdering
  • Uppgiftsinformation Tiden för kollegial feedback börjar måndag, 19 april 2021, 08:15 (för 1282 dagar sedan)
  • Uppgiftsinformation Tiden för kollegial feedback går ut: måndag, 26 april 2021, 08:00 (för 1275 dagar sedan)
Bedömning av kollegiala utvärderingarna
Aktuell fas

The assignment in this final module was formulated in a way that was definitely too demanding for your level of studies. Most of you had great difficulties to understand what was actually asked, and how to approach the task in your writing. After discussing this issue with professor Lassenius, he decided to completely revise this module for next year to better suit the target level of this course.

In order to not punish you unfairly for an unclear assignment, we graded this module very gently. As long as you made some relevant observations about the theme, you received much higher grades than you would have otherwise.