Credits: 2

Schedule: 26.04.2019 - 17.05.2019

Teaching Period (valid 01.08.2018-31.07.2020): 


Learning Outcomes (valid 01.08.2018-31.07.2020): 

After the course, the students will be able to
-understand better the concept of the scientific conference and publishing practices
-apply strategies to meet expectations of the academic community when presenting research in conferences and other academic contexts
-identify and apply features characteristic of academic language relevant for presenting research
-select tools for different types of presentations
-analyse and improve own presenting practices and performances, as well as give and receive peer feedback
-locate services offered to researchers at Aalto University and other research networks

Content (valid 01.08.2018-31.07.2020): 

Academic speaking and writing principles
Oral and written presentation skills
Publishing practices
Conference discourses and practices
Posters, papers
Panels, elevator speeches
Researchers' social network services
Aalto University’s services for researchers

Assessment Methods and Criteria (valid 01.08.2018-31.07.2020): 

Active participation (min. 80% presence), completion of all pre- and post-seminar tasks as instructed including, e.g., presentations about own research (oral presentations will be videoed for self-evaluation and for peer- and teacher feedback)

Workload (valid 01.08.2018-31.07.2020): 

2 ECTS, 54h (instruction 20-27h + independent work 27-34h, of which appr. 5-10h prior to the first session)

Study Material (valid 01.08.2018-31.07.2020): 

provided by the teachers and the course participants

Grading Scale (valid 01.08.2018-31.07.2020): 


Registration for Courses (valid 01.08.2018-31.07.2020): 


The order of priority for admitting students to courses at Aalto ARTS 1.1.2018 onwards (approved by The Committee of Arts, Design and Architecture on 10.10.2017)

The order of priority is as follows:

  1. students for whom the course is compulsory for their major/programme and who have scheduled it for the current academic year in their personal study plan (HOPS);
  2. exchange students for whom the course is a part of his/her officially approved learning agreement and scheduled to be taken during the current semester;
  3. students for whom the course is compulsory for their major/programme and who have not completed it yet;
  4. students, for whom the course is part of his/her major’s or programme’s alternative studies and has been scheduled in the student's PSP (HOPS) for the current academic year
  5. students, for whom the course is part of his/her major’s or programme’s alternative studies and who have not completed the requisite number of credits for alternative studies yet;
  6. students for whom the course is compulsory for their minor;
  7. students, for whom the course is part of his/her minor subject’s alternative studies and who have not completed the requisite number of credits for alternative studies yet;
  8. students who have applied for the course through a student mobility scheme (internal mobility within Aalto University, flexible study right (JOO) studies etc.);
  9. other students.


Courses that are intended to be multidisciplinary (e.g. UWAS courses) may apply an order of priority based on the learning outcomes of the course, while bearing in mind the university obligation of enabling students to complete their degrees within the normative duration of study set for the degree. The order of priority does not apply to courses organised by the Centre for General Studies or doctoral courses.

This decision on the order of priority does not influence the right of the teacher to define prerequisites for the course.

Further Information (valid 01.08.2018-31.07.2020): 

The Language Centre is responsible for half of the course contents (1 ECTS). Teacher-in-charge: Signe-Anita Lindgrén.

An introduction to the course content is held during the course ARTS-L0100 Introduction to Doctoral Studies, comsulsory for 1st year doctoral candidates.

Participants need to sign-up 1 month before the course starts. They will receive instructions for the pre-tasks to be completed before the start of the course.

Priority is given:
1. first year doctoral candidates at Aalto ARTS
2. other doctoral candidates at Aalto ARTS
3. other doctoral candidates

Minimum number of participants: 8


Registration and further information