Credits: 5

Schedule: 26.02.2019 - 14.05.2019

Contact information for the course (applies in this implementation): 

Antti Salovaara,

Teaching Period (valid 01.08.2018-31.07.2020): 

IV – V (Spring)

Learning Outcomes (valid 01.08.2018-31.07.2020): 

After the course, you can select suitable usability evaluation methods in various situations, and to argument your choices. You are able to design and carry out usability evaluations, and to communicate your results to customers in order to have an impact on further development.

Content (valid 01.08.2018-31.07.2020): 

The course introduces several usability evaluation methods including both usability inspection and user testing methods. The methods are applied in project works conducted in cooperation with companies aiming at an improved prototype of the evaluated system.

Details on the course content (applies in this implementation): 

The course consists of a lectures and a reading list before a pre-examination and an evaluation project carried out in a group for a customer.

Each group also chooses a dedicated learning challenge that they will focus on during the project. Reflections on the learning challenge, and other challenges in usability evaluation are elaborated in a learning diary that is returned at the end of the course.

Assessment Methods and Criteria (valid 01.08.2018-31.07.2020): 

Group work (60%) and individual assignments & exam (40%).

Elaboration of the evaluation criteria and methods, and acquainting students with the evaluation (applies in this implementation): 

Participation in the lectures is highly recommended but not obligatory; participation increases chances of passing the pre-examination.

The course grade will be determined 30% by the pre-examination, 50% by the group project, and 20% by a learning diary. The pre-examination and the learning diary are individual course tasks. The group project is evaluated equally for the whole group.

Attaining at least 50% points of the maximum from the pre-examination is required in order to continue in the course and participate in the project.

Workload (valid 01.08.2018-31.07.2020): 

Lectures and presentations 30h, tutoring 10h, individual assignments + exam 20h, project work 75h.

Details on calculating the workload (applies in this implementation): 

5 study credits correspond to 5 * 27 hours = 135 hours of work.

In this course, this work accumulates as follows:

Work load calculation
Lectures6 *2 hours =12 hours
Presentations (of group work progress, 4 times/course; 2-3 hours of preparation, 2 hours of participation in presentations)4 *4 1/2 hours =18 hours
Tutor meetings for groups 5 *2 hours =10 hours
Exam (reading + answering) 18+2 hours =20 hours
Learning diary  10 hours
Project work (planning, 2 rounds of preparation+conducting evaluation+analysing, reporting, meeting the customer)65 hours
Total135 hours

Study Material (valid 01.08.2018-31.07.2020): 

Lecture materials, selected journal and practitioner articles and complementary materials. Materials are announced in course web site.

Substitutes for Courses (valid 01.08.2018-31.07.2020): 

Replaces the courses CSE-E5810 Usability Evaluation, T-121.5450 Interaction Design and Evaluation.

Prerequisites (valid 01.08.2018-31.07.2020): 

CS-E4900 / CSE-E5800 User-Centred Methods for Product and Service or equivalent knowledge in user-centred design and usability.

Grading Scale (valid 01.08.2018-31.07.2020): 

0-5, may be graded with pass/fail

Registration for Courses (valid 01.08.2018-31.07.2020): 

Enrollment in WebOodi.

Further Information (valid 01.08.2018-31.07.2020): 

The number of participants will be limited (25). Registrations will be prioritized in the following order:

1) The students that have the course as a mandatory part in SSE, Information Networks, ICT Innovation, and uSchool majors,

2) The students that have the course as a mandatory part in SSE, Information Networks, ICT Innovation, and uSchool minors,

3) The students that have the course as an elective part of their major,

4) The students that have the course as an elective part of their minor, and

5) All other students based on registration order.


Registration and further information