Credits: 4


Date and timePlace
7.1.2019 15:00 - 17:00R028/L208
28.1.2019 15:00 - 17:00R028/L208
18.2.2019 15:00 - 17:00R028/L208
11.3.2019 15:00 - 17:00R028/L208
1.4.2019 15:00 - 17:00R028/L208
13.5.2019 15:00 - 17:00R028/L208

Contact information for the course (applies in this implementation): 

Kurssin opettajien yhteystiedot:

Contact info of the teachers:, 0414563336

Details on the course content (applies in this implementation): 

Kurssilla tutustutaan työkaluihin MA-työn tekemisen helpottamiseksi.

On the course we'll go through some exercises and tools for the MA work.

Elaboration of the evaluation criteria and methods, and acquainting students with the evaluation (applies in this implementation): 

Läsnäolo kurssilla, kotitehtävien tekeminen.

Attendance at the course, home works.

Details on the course materials (applies in this implementation): 

Materiaalit saadaan kurssilla ja ladataan MyCourses-alustalle.

Materials are provided by the teachers and will be uploaded at MyCourses.

Details on the schedule (applies in this implementation): 

Joka toinen kurssikerta pidetään suomeksi, joka toinen englanniksi. Valitse ryhmäsi ja tule sen ryhmän tapaamisiin. Suomenkieliset tapaamiset ovat 28.1., 11.3. ja 13.5. 2019.

Every second time of the meetings is in Finnish, every second time in English. Choose your group and come to those meetings. Meetings held in English are 7.1., 18.2. and 1.4. 2019.


Registration and further information