Credits: 4
Schedule: 18.02.2019 - 31.05.2019
Teacher in charge (valid 01.08.2018-31.07.2020):
professor Idil Gaziulusoy
Contact information for the course (applies in this implementation):
Teaching Period (valid 01.08.2018-31.07.2020):
Last week of Period III and V, first year, 2018 – 2020.
Learning Outcomes (valid 01.08.2018-31.07.2020):
Students who successfully complete this course should be able to:
- Discuss the implications of epistemological and methodological decisions on research outcomes
- Explain the relationships between design practice, research-driven exploratory design and academic design research;
- Select and apply design research methods suitable for a variety of design research tasks
Content (valid 01.08.2018-31.07.2020):
In this course, students learn to understand a range of various relationships between design practice, research-driven exploratory design and academic research. They become familiar with different orientations within design research and gain basic knowledge to independently deepen their competence. Orientations include human-centred design, practice-led design research, design management and leadership-related research, design-driven applied research on materials and production techniques, and design for sustainability. Students also get an introduction to general epistemological and methodological frameworks commonly used in design research. Following this theoretical introduction, students experientially learn using a selection of design research methods relevant to their field of inquiry and masters project.
Details on the course content (applies in this implementation):
In this course, students learn to understand a range of various relationships between design practice, research-driven exploratory design and academic research. They become familiar with different orientations within design research and gain basic knowledge to independently deepen their competence. Orientations include human-centred design, practice-led design research, design management and leadership-related research, design-driven applied research on materials and production techniques, and design for sustainability. Students also get an introduction to general epistemological and methodological frameworks commonly used in design research. Following this theoretical introduction, students experientially learn using a selection of design research methods relevant to their field of inquiry and masters project.
Assessment Methods and Criteria (valid 01.08.2018-31.07.2020):
Based on the two pathways, assessment is based on different work
For the first pathway, first-year students,
- Attend lectures (10% of assessment), complete a mid-assignment (30%), an independently completed assignment (50%) and self-evaluation (10%),
For the transition pathway,
They complete a written assignment (100% of assessment). The written assignment will require writing a book report based on the study material specified below (15-20 pages), and a reflection on own research referencing the study material and four additional scientific articles to be found by the student.
Elaboration of the evaluation criteria and methods, and acquainting students with the evaluation (applies in this implementation):
Based on the two pathways, assessment is based on different work
For the first pathway, first-year students,
- Attend lectures (10% of assessment), complete a mid-assignment (30%), an independently completed assignment (50%) and self-evaluation (10%),
For the transition pathway,
They complete a written assignment (100% of assessment). The written assignment will require writing a book report based on the study material specified below (15-20 pages), and a reflection on own research referencing the study material and four additional scientific articles to be found by the student.
Workload (valid 01.08.2018-31.07.2020):
The structure of this course and when it needs to be taken has changed. Therefore, in the 2018-2019 academic year, there will be two alternative paths to complete this course to manage the transition. From 2019-2020 academic year, the transition path will be annulled.
Pathway for first-year masters students:
- Online and in-class lectures 12 h
- In-class tutorials 40 h
- Independent study (individual and group work) 40h
- Reflection and thinking 10h
- Self-evaluation 6 h
Transition pathway for the rest of the masters students:
- Written assignment 108 h
Details on calculating the workload (applies in this implementation):
Pathway for first-year masters students:
- Online and in-class lectures 12 h
- In-class tutorials 40 h
- Independent study (individual and group work) 40h
- Reflection and thinking 10h
- Self-evaluation 6 h
Transition pathway for the rest of the masters students:
- Written assignment 108 h
Study Material (valid 01.08.2018-31.07.2020):
Muratovski, G. (2016). Research for Designers. Sage. Additional material will be provided in MyCourses.
Course Homepage (valid 01.08.2018-31.07.2020):
The course’s homepage in the Aalto University MyCourses system
Grading Scale (valid 01.08.2018-31.07.2020):
0 - 5
Registration for Courses (valid 01.08.2018-31.07.2020):
Details on the schedule (applies in this implementation):