Please note! Course description is confirmed for two academic years, which means that in general, e.g. Learning outcomes, assessment methods and key content stays unchanged. However, via course syllabus, it is possible to specify or change the course execution in each realization of the course, such as how the contact sessions are organized, assessment methods weighted or materials used.
Students will learn critical thinking through gaining knowledge of the central concepts of environmental aesthetics. They will become fluent in understanding different phenomena related to environmental change and assessing how these affect different layers of artistic processes and creativity, as well as everyday living and the social dimension of human life.
Credits: 3
Schedule: 21.09.2020 - 02.11.2020
Teacher in charge (valid 01.08.2020-31.07.2022): Sanna Lehtinen
Teacher in charge (applies in this implementation): Sanna Lehtinen
Contact information for the course (valid 17.09.2020-21.12.2112):
Teacher: Sanna Lehtinen,
CEFR level (applies in this implementation):
Language of instruction and studies (valid 01.08.2020-31.07.2022):
Teaching language: English
Languages of study attainment: English
Valid 01.08.2020-31.07.2022:
The course concentrates on current trends of environmental art and environmental aesthetics. You will learn how ecological thinking and concepts affect different practices whether aesthetic, artistic, or otherwise creative. Everyday aesthetics, urban environments, different forms of contemporary art loosely labeled under the notion of environmental art, and
socially shared aesthetic possibilities to affect the environment are discussed as they all contribute to gaining insight into a more comprehensive notion of the environment.
Assessment Methods and Criteria
Valid 01.08.2020-31.07.2022:
Seminar work (lecture+discussion), smaller assignments based on the reading list, and final task; grading is based on the final task and lecture attendance.
Applies in this implementation:
Group presentation 40%, learning diary 60%, active participation in discussions is expected
Valid 01.08.2020-31.07.2022:
3 credits, 80 hours:
- Seminar (22 h)
- Smaller assignments + independent work (32 h)
- Final task (26 h)
Applies in this implementation:
Seminar 22h + group presentation 32h + learning diary (final task) 26h
Study Material
Valid 01.08.2020-31.07.2022:
Selection of articles assigned by the lecturer, will be announced at the first lecture.
Applies in this implementation:
The weekly course readings will be provided in the first meeting.
Valid 01.08.2020-31.07.2022:
Registration for Courses
Valid 01.08.2020-31.07.2022:
Minimum amount of participants is 8 students.
The order of priority for admitting students:
1. Exchange students in Aalto ARTS, 2 places (applies to courses taught in English)
2. Minor students (applies to compulsory courses in the minor)
3. Degree students in Aalto ARTS
4. Students from other schools in Aalto University and students who have applied for the course through different student mobility schemes (flexible study right (JOO) studies etc.)
5. Other studentsApplies in this implementation:
This is a conversation-focused, synchronous online seminar (Zoom), we will have 7 meetings and being present 80% of time is expected.
Further Information
Valid 01.08.2020-31.07.2022:
Minimum amount of participants is 8 students.
Two places are reserved for exchange students.Applies in this implementation:
This is a conversation-focused, synchronous online seminar (Zoom), we will have 7 meetings and being present 80% of time is expected.
Details on the schedule
Applies in this implementation:
The course assignments consist of weekly readings, one group assignment and a learning diary.