Please note! Course description is confirmed for two academic years, which means that in general, e.g. Learning outcomes, assessment methods and key content stays unchanged. However, via course syllabus, it is possible to specify or change the course execution in each realization of the course, such as how the contact sessions are organized, assessment methods weighted or materials used.


After the course the student
*Understands the process dynamics and nonlinearities of typical chemical processes and coupling between physical phenomena
*Can model chemical processes and carry out model based analysis
*Can solve mechanistic process models using appropriate numerical techniques

Credits: 5

Schedule: 08.09.2020 - 22.10.2020

Teacher in charge (valid 01.08.2020-31.07.2022): Ville Alopaeus

Teacher in charge (applies in this implementation): Ville Alopaeus, Kaj Jakobsson

Contact information for the course (valid 17.08.2020-21.12.2112):

Professor Ville Alopaeus,

Teacher Kaj Jakobsson,

CEFR level (applies in this implementation):

Language of instruction and studies (valid 01.08.2020-31.07.2022):

Teaching language: English

Languages of study attainment: English


  • Valid 01.08.2020-31.07.2022:

    Dynamical process modeling with material and energy balances
    Effect of rate models (mass and heat transfer, reaction rates) on modeling
    Specific topics in mass transfer: multicomponent mass transfer, non-conventional driving forces, population balances
    Numerical methods to solve typical mechanistic models in chemical engineering including algebraic, ordinary and partial differential equations. Reactor and unsteady heat transfer modeling examples.
    Implementation of the models and numerical methods using Matlab/Simulink
    Homework assignment: Numeric Solving of differential equations; first principle modelling of process units

  • Applies in this implementation:

Assessment Methods and Criteria
  • Valid 01.08.2020-31.07.2022:

    Exercises at computer class
    Home assignments
    Independent study and exam

  • Valid 01.08.2020-31.07.2022:

    Lectures 16 h
    Exercises 40 h
    Home assignments 30 h
    Pre-exam 15 h
    Other independent study 33 h


Study Material
  • Valid 01.08.2020-31.07.2022:

    Lecture notes, excercise material, hand-outs

Substitutes for Courses
  • Valid 01.08.2020-31.07.2022:

    KE-42.4520 Process Modelling - methods and tools L (5 cr) or KE-90.3100 Process Modelling and Simulation (6 cr)

Registration for Courses
  • Valid 01.08.2020-31.07.2022:


  • Applies in this implementation:


    • Process
      modeling with material and energy balances
    • Effect
      of rate models (mass and heat transfer, reaction rates) on modeling
    • Specific
      topics in mass transfer: multicomponent mass transfer, non-conventional
      driving forces, population balances
    • Numerical
      methods to solve typical mechanistic models in chemical engineering
      including algebraic, ordinary and partial differential equations. Reactor
      and unsteady heat transfer modeling examples.
    • Implementation
      of the models and numerical methods using Matlab

    Workload (grading % of total points)

    • Lectures
      16 h
    • Exercises
      40 h (15 %)
    • Home
      assignments 30 h (30 %)
    • Pre-exam
      15 h        (10 %)
    • Other
      independent study and final exam 33 h (45 %)
    • Responding
      to the official course feedback, 1 extra point

    Grading is built so that it corresponds to the
    workload as well as possible. Workload related to the lectures and part of the
    exercises are included in the final exam grade. Exercise grading shown in the
    list refers to participation points (see description later). No specific
    parts of the course are compulsory for passing
    , but 50 % of total points
    are needed for passing and 85 % for the highest grade. If less than 5 % of the registered
    students would get the highest grade, then the limits may be lowered.

    If all the graded assignments are done during the same
    year, they remain valid with the earned points. If you have finished only parts
    of the course, e.g. have points only from pre-exam and exercises but wish to
    continue next year with home assignments, earlier completed tasks may be
    recognized upon agreement but only with reduced points.


    • Pre-exam
      will be held during the first two weeks of the course. There will be two exam
      days, but you can participate only one of them. No need to register. The
      second one will not be easier than the first one.
    • Pre-exam
      material: Lecture notes, chapters 2 and 3. In chapter 3, the examples are
      covered only from mathematical model building point of view.
    • For 2020 remote exams: all material is allowed,
      but please note that there is only 45 min to complete! Exams will be
      returned to MC Turnitin box.


    Lectures will be held once a week.
    There are typically small activating tasks during the lectures, so be prepared
    with pen, paper and a calculator.

    For each lecture, specific chapters
    of the hand-outs are assigned. You are expected to read those parts before the
    lecture in order to get most out of the lecture and exercises on the same week.


    Twice a week in the computer class. By actively participating
    in the exercises, the student gets a point from each exercise; no returned
    answers are expected. For 2020 remote exercises, a
    small quiz is prepared for each exercise. Attendance points for each exercise
    are given based on these quizzes. Quiz opens 15 min before exercise ends and
    closes 15 min after the end. You should be able to respond to the questions if
    you have actively participated to the exercise.

    If you cannot attend, you can get the point by
    returning a report how you did the exercise (one page) and the answers before the exercise session. The report
    must contain answers and a short written description. You should ask for any
    help if needed. The idea is that you should get the same advice as during the
    normal exercise. Workload for this alternative is expected to be higher than in
    the corresponding normal exercise. This is only a substitute for normal exercise
    sessions in special cases!

    Answers will be uploaded to MC either at the end of
    each session or immediately afterwards. You are expected to go through them and
    ask for any clarifications irrespective of the way you are doing the exercise.


    • There
      are two home assignments. Home assignment topics will be presented and
      practiced during the computer exercise sessions before the assignment is
    • Home
      assignments are to be done in groups of 3 (maximum). Smaller groups are
      possible as well.
    • For the
      first home assignment, there are two options: those who want only to get
      familiar with Matlab, you can select an easier introductory version with
      highest grade 3. For the others, the assignment goes deeper to the
      application. You can also change from the easier to the full assignment
      during the course, but you must agree on this with your assignment group.
    • For
      post-graduate students or those very familiar with modeling and
      programming, another option can be selected, where you do a single larger
      home assignment alone. This should be related to your research work. This
      option can be selected with a separate agreement only.
    • The home
      assignments will be graded separately


    Although this is not a programming course, solution of
    chemical engineering models are done with computer programs. Often it is
    necessary to write simple programs describing chemistry of your particular
    case. In this course, we use Matlab as a generic model-solving tool. If you do
    not have any previous experience in programming, it is highly recommended that
    you get familiar with the basics yourself in the beginning of the course. Some
    introductory material is provided for you.

    Final exam

    Based on lectures, exercises, and hand-outs.
    Additional distributed supporting material (in MyCourses) could be included but
    only if informed separately. Pre-exam material is included also in the final

    There will be theory and (small) calculation
    questions. Tools which are used on the course (Excel
    and Matlab) may be needed in the remote exam, but not extensively.
    Typically questions are related to short explanation of terminology,
    formulation of a model, and explanation of brief computer program performance

    · For 2020, all material is allowed. Exams are
    returned to MC Turnitin -box

    · Idea is not to memorize details, but to understand and

    · For the first final exam date, some additional extra
    feedback questions with extra points may be available

    · If you have done other parts of the course in earlier
    years, remember to mark that in your exam paper

    · You are encouraged to propose an exam question (pre or
    final). If you propose a very good question that will end up in the exam, you
    may get additional point for the course and/or be able to answer to your own
    question at the exam day.

SDG: Sustainable Development Goals

    9 Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure