Please note! Course description is confirmed for two academic years, which means that in general, e.g. Learning outcomes, assessment methods and key content stays unchanged. However, via course syllabus, it is possible to specify or change the course execution in each realization of the course, such as how the contact sessions are organized, assessment methods weighted or materials used.


Each clinic deepens and strengthens the students' personal approach, visual thinking and technical skills building up students' personal knowledge on certain areas of photographic techniques, e.g. analogue processes and lab work, image post-production, studio, lightning, video, editing and digital printing.

1-3 cliniques will be offered per year and the topics arise from current technical development and changes in the equipment. Students may choose  clinics based on their personal demands.

On a successful completion of each clinic, students

  • have built up their previous knowledge of particular techniques, tools and materials
  • are able to apply new techniques to their work
  • are capable of applying learned new skills and practices to their own personal work
  • can specify the separate sectors that are needed for the pursued outcome
  • can explain and reason the varied steps of making that lead to particular results
  • are able to work on one's own initiative
  • hold knowledge where and how to find additional information when necessary

The learning outcomes vary and are related to each workshop and they will be described in detail in the course description of each study event.

Credits: 2

Schedule: 20.01.2021 - 17.02.2021

Teacher in charge (valid 01.08.2020-31.07.2022): Niko Luoma, Heli Rekula, Hanna Weselius

Teacher in charge (applies in this implementation): Heli Rekula

Contact information for the course (valid 16.12.2020-21.12.2112):

Katri Lassila


CEFR level (applies in this implementation):

Language of instruction and studies (valid 01.08.2020-31.07.2022):

Teaching language: English

Languages of study attainment: English


  • Valid 01.08.2020-31.07.2022:

    Personal work and group work in the guidance of the teacher of the clinic.

  • Applies in this implementation:

    (Below also in English)

    B&W -klinikka on Filminkehityksen ja hopeagelatiinivedostuksen perusteet -kurssi. Ensimmäiselle kerralle mukaan omat kuvatut (mutta ei kehitetyt) mustavalkofilmit!

    1. sessio: 20. tammikuuta:

    9.15-11.00 Hopeagelatiinivedostuksen historiaa ja teoriaa. Filminkehityksen teoriaa. Esimerkkivedoksien tutkimista. Koronan takia emme voi olla kaikki yhtä aikaa pimiössä, vaan teemme sen sijaan aikataulun henkilökohtaiselle opetukselle.

    11-17 Tutustuminen pimiöihin. Filminkehityksen harjoittelua Väreen pimiössä henkilökohtaisissa vuoroissa (pohjakerros, käytävässä studioiden vieressä). Lounaat joustavasti harjoitusten välissä.

    2. sessio: 27. tammikuuta:

    9.15-10.30 Viikon aikana syntyneiden filminegatiivien arviointia.

    10.30-17 Harjoituksia pimiössä ja henkilökohtaista ohjausta: filmin prässääminen ja pinnakkaisten teko.

    3. sessio: 3. helmikuuta:

    9.15-12 Hopeagelatiinivedostuksen perusteita. Vedostuksen erityispiirteitä: kuvan valinta pinnakkaisista, koevedokset ja kontrastien säätö. Vedostettavien kuvien valintaa henkilökohtaisessa ohjauksessa.

    12-17 Vuorotellen pimiössä vedostuksen perusteiden käytännön harjoituksia.

    4. sessio: 10.helmikuuta:

    9:15-10.30 Viikon aikana syntyneiden vedosten arviointia. Ideoita ja palautetta. Hienovedostustekniikoiden teoriaa.

    10.30-17 Vuorotellen harjoittelua Väreen pimiössä. Vedosten lisävalotukset ja varjostukset.

    5. sessio: 17.helmikuuta:

    9:15-13 Vuoroissa harjoittelua Väreen pimiössä: vedosten sävyttäminen.

    13-17 Vedosten viimeistely ja kurssin kritiikki. Tutustuminen vedostustietoon ja analogiseen Kurssipalaute ja kehitysehdotuksia. 


    B&W Course is essentially a course about the basics of film developing and silver gelatine printing. For the first session take along your photographed but not developed b&w films!

    1st session 20th of January:

    9:15-11 Theory and history of b&w film developing and silver gelatine printing, including the assessment of example prints and techniques. Because of the COVID we cannot be as a big group in the darkroom but instead create a schedule for personal guidance during the course.

    11-17 Darkroom tour. Demos and film developing practicing in the Väre Darkroom in turns (situating in the groundfloor, hallway nearby the studios). We'll eat lunch in turns while others are practicing.

    2nd session 27th of January:

    9.15-10.30 Assessment of film negatives made during the previous week.

    10.30-12 Theory of film pushing and how to make contact sheets. Personal guidance on the subjects.

    12-17 Personal guidance on film pushing and contact sheets.

    3rd session: 3rd of February:

    9.15-12 Basics of silver gelatine printing techniques: how to choose the negative from the contact sheet, stripe and trial prints, contrasts. Choosing the negatives to print.

    12-17 In turns printing practicing in the darkroom.

    4th session 10th of February:

    9:15-10.30 Assessing the prints students have made on their own during the week. Feedback and ideas. Theory of fine printing techniques.

    10.30-12 Practicing in turns the Väre Darkroom: dodging and burning of the prints.

    12-17 Practicing at the Väre Darkroom: dodging and burning of the prints continues.

    5th session 17th of February:

    9:15-12 Practicing in turns at the Väre Darkroom: toning of the prints.

    12-16/17 Critique session of the course. Feedback and development ideas. Internet resources of the analogue photography.

Assessment Methods and Criteria
  • Valid 01.08.2020-31.07.2022:

    Typical ways of working are lectures, demonstrations, hands-on individual and group work and practice. Methods vary from clinic to clinic.


  • Applies in this implementation:

    Kurssin arviointi perustuu läsnäoloon (80%) sekä kurssin aikana määrättyjen kotitehtävien (2kpl) suorittamiseen.

    Course evaluation is based on the attendance (80%) and completing the homewrks (2pcs) during the course.

  • Valid 01.08.2020-31.07.2022:

    See details of the contact hours and other ways of working from the course description of each clinic.

  • Applies in this implementation:

    Kurssi on kahden opintopisteen laajuinen eli työmääräksi on arvioitu 54 tuntia. Lähiopetusta kurssilla on 30 tuntia. Opiskelijoiden oletetaan työskentelevän itsenäisesti pimiössä kurssitöitä suorittaessaan 24 tuntia lähiopetuksen lisäksi.

    The size of the course is 2 study credits which means 54 work hours. The amount of the contact teaching on the course is 30 hours. The students are expected to work individually for 24 hours to complete the course works.


Study Material
  • Valid 01.08.2020-31.07.2022:

    Teacher will provide in the beginning of the course.

  • Applies in this implementation:

    Opiskelijoiden tulee kuvata mustavalkofilmit itsenäisesti ennen kurssia. Kurssin kahdella ensimmäisellä kerralla tutustutaan filmien kehitykseen ja kolmella viimeisellä vedostuksen opetteluun. Koska kurssi on klinikkamuotoinen, opiskelijoiden toivotaan tuovan käyttöönsä omat materiaalit, lukuunottamatta vedostuskemioita, jotka ovat yhteiskäytössä ja tulevat kurssin puolesta. 

    The students are expected to photograph the black and white films beforehand. The film developing is practiced during the first two sessions, and during the three last sessions we'll be practicing the silver gelatine printing. As the course is a clinic, it is also expected that the students have their own papers. The course provides all of the chemicals and some demo papers to be used. 

  • Valid 01.08.2020-31.07.2022:

    Basic knowledge on the subject of each clinic, that will be announced by each teacher.

Registration for Courses
  • Valid 01.08.2020-31.07.2022:

    Registration through WebOodi


    2020-2021: max 6 students

    2021-2022: max 12 students

    The order of priority for admitting students to courses at Aalto ARTS 1.1.2018 onwards (approved by The Committee of Arts, Design and Architecture on 10.10.2017)

    The order of priority is as follows:

    1. students for whom the course is compulsory for their major/programme and who have scheduled it for the current academic year in their personal study plan (HOPS);
    2. exchange students for whom the course is a part of his/her officially approved learning agreement and scheduled to be taken during the current semester;
    3. students for whom the course is compulsory for their major/programme and who have not completed it yet;
    4. students, for whom the course is part of his/her major s or programme s alternative studies and has been scheduled in the student's PSP (HOPS) for the current academic year
    5. students, for whom the course is part of his/her major s or programme s alternative studies and who have not completed the requisite number of credits for alternative studies yet;
    6. students for whom the course is compulsory for their minor;
    7. students, for whom the course is part of his/her minor subject s alternative studies and who have not completed the requisite number of credits for alternative studies yet;
    8. students who have applied for the course through a student mobility scheme (internal mobility within Aalto University, flexible study right (JOO) studies etc.);
    9. other students.


    Courses that are intended to be multidisciplinary (e.g. UWAS courses) may apply an order of priority based on the learning outcomes of the course, while bearing in mind the university obligation of enabling students to complete their degrees within the normative duration of study set for the degree. The order of priority does not apply to courses organised by the Centre for General Studies or doctoral courses.

    This decision on the order of priority does not influence the right of the teacher to define prerequisites for the course.

  • Applies in this implementation:

    Meillä on käytössä kaksi pimiötä: yksi Väreessä ja toinen Kandikeskuksessa, osoitteessa Otakaari 1. Laboratoriovastaavana toimii Anne Kinnunen, johon voi myös ottaa yhteyttä pimiöön liittyvissä kysymyksissä.

    We have two darkrooms in use during the course: one at Väre and one at Otakaari 1. Our laboratory workshop master is Anne Kinnunen, who also answers the questions concerning the darkroom work.

SDG: Sustainable Development Goals

    5 Gender Equality

    8 Decent Work and Economic Growth

    9 Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure

    12 Responsible Production and Consumption


Further Information
  • Valid 01.08.2020-31.07.2022:

    Clinic topics and content, as well as the course periods vary yearly.

    Decision by Vice Dean Rasmus Vuori in pandemic conditions 2021: The max amount of students 2020-2021 has changed.

  • Applies in this implementation:

    Meillä on käytössä kaksi pimiötä: yksi Väreessä ja toinen Kandikeskuksessa, osoitteessa Otakaari 1. Laboratoriovastaavana toimii Anne Kinnunen, johon voi myös ottaa yhteyttä pimiöön liittyvissä kysymyksissä.

    We have two darkrooms in use during the course: one at Väre and one at Otakaari 1. Our laboratory workshop master is Anne Kinnunen, who also answers the questions concerning the darkroom work.

Details on the schedule
  • Applies in this implementation:

    Mikäli herää kysymyksiä tai huolia, ota yhteyttä opettajaan ennen kurssia.

    In any questions or concerns please contact the course teacher beforehand.