Please note! Course description is confirmed for two academic years, which means that in general, e.g. Learning outcomes, assessment methods and key content stays unchanged. However, via course syllabus, it is possible to specify or change the course execution in each realization of the course, such as how the contact sessions are organized, assessment methods weighted or materials used.


Upon completion of the course, the students are able to:

-Identify different costume design perspectives, methods and approaches in different cultures and artistic fields

-Recognise and understand similarities and differences in the work of designers from varying perspectives and areas of specialization

-Collaborate in multi-disciplinary, multimodal and multi-cultural creative teams

Credits: 6

Schedule: 16.05.2022 - 20.05.2022

Teacher in charge (valid for whole curriculum period):

Teacher in charge (applies in this implementation): Sofia Pantouvaki

Contact information for the course (applies in this implementation):

Professor Sofia Pantouvaki, email: sofia.pantouvaki[at]

Guest teacher: Heidi Wikar, MA Fashion design and Costume designer

CEFR level (valid for whole curriculum period):

Language of instruction and studies (applies in this implementation):

Teaching language: English. Languages of study attainment: English


  • valid for whole curriculum period:

    The course enhances the exploration of the Art of Costume Design in live and mediated events.

    Visiting professors, artists or designers give a course about their own working methods and different ways of working as a designer in variable production areas, scales and cultures.

  • applies in this implementation

    This is a hands-on workshop on creating experimental costumes with experimental methods. We will work partly outdoor, if the weather allows, and use the surroundings of the campus as inspiration and venue. The idea is to play and think outside the box.

    The workshop will focus on exploring the surroundings together. Each student finds an interesting spot where to set up a one minute performance. Then each researches the spot regarding shapes, textures, movements, directions, weather conditions, humidity, dryness, prints, materials etc. They make a drawn and crafted analysis of the selected spot.

    Following, each student writes a short poem about someone living at that spot. That someone can be a spirit, an animal, a human, a fantasy being, someone dropped down from space…. They also need to describe who that someone is.

    That someone needs to be dressed fitting into living on that spot.  The students use each other as models. Every student is model for another student.

    The task is to create a wearable shape for that someone so that it lives in symbiosis with the surrounding.

    - Shape

    - Material

    - Texture

    - Print

    - Movement

    - External effects

    -Small 1 minute performance

    -Photographing and filming it.

    Students need to document the entire process at least in a rough and playful way. My plan is that we are using traditional sketchbooks.

Assessment Methods and Criteria
  • valid for whole curriculum period:

    Students' development during the course, motivation, independent and group work outcomes, attendance and active participation in discussions.

  • valid for whole curriculum period:

    Lectures, discussions and presentations 40 %, independent and group work 60 % of the workload.


Study Material
  • valid for whole curriculum period:

    Specific literature will be informed separately. Texts used in the course will be handed out during the course.

Substitutes for Courses
SDG: Sustainable Development Goals

    5 Gender Equality


Further Information
  • valid for whole curriculum period:

    Minimum group size 4 students

    Students will be accepted to the course in the following order:

    -Students of costume design major

    - Exchange students of costume design

    - Minor students of costume design, whose major is production design or design for the performing arts

    - Minor students of costume design, whose major is another than production design or design for the performing arts

    - Other students of production design and design for the performing arts

    - Other students of the department of Film, Television and Scenography

    - Other students

    Teaching Period:

    (2020, 2021) - No teaching

    2021-2022 Spring V

    Course Homepage:

    Registration for Courses: Sisu replaces Oodi on 9 August, 2021. Priority order to courses is according to the order of priority decided by the Academic committee for School of Arts, Design and Architecture:

    WebOodi registration


    The order of priority for admitting students to courses at Aalto ARTS 1.1.2018 onwards (approved by The Committee of Arts, Design and Architecture on 10.10.2017)

    The order of priority is as follows:

    1. students for whom the course is compulsory for their major/programme and who have scheduled it for the current academic year in their personal study plan (HOPS);
    2. exchange students for whom the course is a part of his/her officially approved learning agreement and scheduled to be taken during the current semester;
    3. students for whom the course is compulsory for their major/programme and who have not completed it yet;
    4. students, for whom the course is part of his/her major s or programme s alternative studies and has been scheduled in the student's PSP (HOPS) for the current academic year
    5. students, for whom the course is part of his/her major s or programme s alternative studies and who have not completed the requisite number of credits for alternative studies yet;
    6. students for whom the course is compulsory for their minor;
    7. students, for whom the course is part of his/her minor subject s alternative studies and who have not completed the requisite number of credits for alternative studies yet;
    8. students who have applied for the course through a student mobility scheme (internal mobility within Aalto University, flexible study right (JOO) studies etc.);
    9. other students.


    Courses that are intended to be multidisciplinary (e.g. UWAS courses) may apply an order of priority based on the learning outcomes of the course, while bearing in mind the university obligation of enabling students to complete their degrees within the normative duration of study set for the degree. The order of priority does not apply to courses organised by the Centre for General Studies or doctoral courses.

    This decision on the order of priority does not influence the right of the teacher to define prerequisites for the course.

  • applies in this implementation

    Students should bring: 

    - A sketchbook or drawing pad size A4 or bigger. A3 allows bigger drawing movements.

    - All kinds of pens, ink or water colors, glue stick, scissors, carpet knife, - tools they like to use when working, and sewing tools. Tools can be borrowed of course also from Aalto Studios workshops.

    - Phone or camera they can photograph and film with.

    - Working clothes Tuesday to Friday.

Details on the schedule
  • applies in this implementation


    WEEK 20:

    Monday 16.5. 

    9-12 Introduction to the workshop. Researching the campus, including finding an inspiring spot to research further.

    13.15-16 Lecture by Heidi Wikar.

    Tuesday 17.5.

    9-17 Working with designing and draping shapes. Deciding materials.

    Wednesday 18.5.

    9.17 Textures and prints: Working in very rough ways of making textures and doing prints. 

    Thursday 19.5.

    9.17 Finishing the project.

    Friday 20.5.

    9.17 Documenting the final performance -> Presentation and making of a small exhibition.

    Feedback session with Heidi and concluding the workshop.