Huomaa! Kurssikuvaus vahvistetaan kahdeksi lukuvuodeksi kerrallaan ja esimerkiksi osaamistavoitteet, arviontimenetelmät ja keskeinen sisältö pysyvät pääsääntöisesti samana. Kullakin toteutuskerralla voidaan kuitenkin kurssiesitteen avulla tarkentaa ja muuttaa kurssin toteutustapaa, kuten kontaktiopetuksen järjestämistapaa, arviointimenetelmien painotusta tai materiaaleja.


The course will enable the participants to

  • understand academic writing as both a creative and a practical process
  • write more productively and with more ease
  • present their research coherently and convincingly in different contexts
  • give and receive feedback on academic texts and presentations
  • develop their self-management and reflective skills as academic researchers

Laajuus: 6

Aikataulu: 19.04.2022 - 24.05.2022

Vastuuopettaja (voimassa koko opetussuunnitelmakauden):

Vastuuopettaja (koskee tätä kurssikertaa): Christa Uusi-Rauva, Carol Kiriakos

Kurssin yhteystiedot (koskee tätä kurssikertaa):

Kurssin CEFR-taso (voimassa koko opetussuunnitelmakauden):

Opetuskieli ja suorituskielet (koskee tätä kurssikertaa):

Teaching language: Finnish. Languages of study attainment: English


  • voimassa koko opetussuunnitelmakauden:

    The course will help you learn how to unleash your writing and presentation potential so that you can function effectively in the academic context. It consists of two main themes that aim at supporting your dissertation process.

    First, we will develop your understanding of academic writing as a comprehensive process. Here, the focus will be on making writing an integral part of your daily work by creating a writing habit, learning to manage your writing time, and identifying and practicing the use of different tools that help in the writing process. As a result, you will learn how to produce text regularly as well as identify and overcome your challenges as a writer.

    Second, the course will help you develop yourself as a presenter. You will give several presentations during the course, and through practice learn how to deliver convincing, coherent and engaging research talks.

    In both writing and presenting, you will learn how to build a strong argument and give and receive constructive feedback.

Toteutus, työmuodot ja arvosteluperusteet
  • voimassa koko opetussuunnitelmakauden:

    Weekly meetings and other indicated sessions (mandatory attendance)

    Pre-course assignment

    Readings and assignments during the course


Työmäärä toteutustavoittain
  • voimassa koko opetussuunnitelmakauden:

    Classroom hours 36 h

    Individual work 124 h


  • voimassa koko opetussuunnitelmakauden:

    Provided in the course syllabus.

  • voimassa koko opetussuunnitelmakauden:



  • voimassa koko opetussuunnitelmakauden:

    The weekly meetings will consist of lectures, discussions and hands-on exercises. Attendance and commitment are essential: the purpose is to make the course useful and motivating, and everyone s role is important. The course will give you an opportunity to identify and reflect on your personal strengths and challenges as an academic researcher. You will also learn practical tools for setting goals, planning daily work and approaching writing as a process, as well as ways to present research effectively and engagingly, with a clear objective and suitable audience focus.,


    2020-2021 Spring V

    2021-2022 Spring V

    Kurssin kotisivu:

    Ilmoittautuminen: Lukuvuonna 2021-2022 opetukseen ilmoittaudutaan WebOodin sijaan Sisussa (

    WebOodi, one week prior to the beginning of the course at the latest