After completing the course, students will:
- manage speaking in simple situations relating to work and daily life
- be able to write short messages
- recognise some features of the customs of German-speaking countries
Credits: 3
Schedule: 15.09.2021 - 22.10.2021
Teacher in charge (valid for whole curriculum period):
Teacher in charge (applies in this implementation): Caren Schröder, Pauli Kudel
Contact information for the course (applies in this implementation):
CEFR level (valid for whole curriculum period): A1
Language of instruction and studies (applies in this implementation):
Teaching language: English. Languages of study attainment: English, Finnish
valid for whole curriculum period:
Practising in speech and writing some basic grammar and vocabulary exercises in simple situations, listening comprehension exercises, acquiring knowledge of German-speaking countries
Assessment Methods and Criteria
valid for whole curriculum period:
Contact teaching 24/36 h and self-study 57/45 h. Regular and active participation in class as well as written assignments (30%) and a written examination (70%)
valid for whole curriculum period:
24 h (contact hours) + 57 h (self-study) OR 36 h (contact hours) + 45 h (self-study)
Study Material
valid for whole curriculum period:
Textbook: Blanco-Kudel: Freut mich 1 (Otava 2017) and additional material in the MyCourses learning environment
Substitutes for Courses
valid for whole curriculum period:
valid for whole curriculum period:
Further Information
valid for whole curriculum period:
Passing the course requires regular attendance. The course is intended for beginners. Registration must be confirmed by attending the first lesson.
Please note: The course is organised if a minimum of 10 students register for it.
Teaching Period:
2020 2021: autumn I, autumn I-II, autumn II, spring III, spring III-IV, spring V
2021 2022: autumn I autumn I-II, spring III, spring III-IV, spring V
Course Homepage: https://mycourses.aalto.fi/course/search.php?search=LC-6310
Registration for Courses: In the academic year 2021-2022, registration for courses will take place on Sisu (sisu.aalto.fi) instead of WebOodi.
On WebOodi. Please see WebOodi for registration dates.