Please note! Course description is confirmed for two academic years, which means that in general, e.g. Learning outcomes, assessment methods and key content stays unchanged. However, via course syllabus, it is possible to specify or change the course execution in each realization of the course, such as how the contact sessions are organized, assessment methods weighted or materials used.


Through a creative project, the student will become familiar with construction techniques using wood, metal, and other materials. The student will be confident in using wood working and metal working machines.

Credits: 6

Schedule: 27.02.2023 - 17.03.2023

Teacher in charge (valid for whole curriculum period):

Teacher in charge (applies in this implementation): Lehtinen, Denise Ziegler

Contact information for the course (applies in this implementation):

Opettaja / Teacher

Jukka Lehtinen

Vastuuopettaja /  responsable teacher

Denise Ziegler


CEFR level (valid for whole curriculum period):

Language of instruction and studies (applies in this implementation):

Teaching language: English. Languages of study attainment: Finnish, Swedish, English


  • valid for whole curriculum period:

    Students will be introduced to wood materials, hand tools and wood working machines, and shown how to use them safely. Students will be introduced to metal working, in particular construction techniques using welding and other power tools and methods. Students will create a sculpture combining wood, metal and other materials using construction techniques.

  • applies in this implementation


    • Tunne / Emotion 

      Kuvataiteessa on hyvin tavallista käsikirjoittaa teos ennen sen toteuttamista, tai kenties jälkeenpäin vain halutaan antaa sellainen vaikutelma. Yleisesti odotetaan, että taiteilija antaa teokselleen myös kirjallisen merkityksen. Tällä kurssilla tehtävässä taideteoksessa toivon teidän pyrkivän aluksi antamaan visuaalisille mielikuville ylivallan selittämisen kustannuksella. Taideteos on ehkä aina tekijänsä mielen jatke - kuva voi tehdä kätketyn tiedostamattoman näkyväksi, ja kun se kerran on tullut näkyväksi, on siitä helpompaa sen jälkeen puhua! 

      Ota teoksesi lähtökohdaksi jokin tunne. Sen ei tarvitse edes olla tunnistettavissa miksikään tietyksi tunteeksi, kuten onni, viha, häpeä tai ilo, vaan se voi myös olla jokin vielä määrittelemättömäksi jäänyt tunne, jonka läsnäolon havaitset.  Tehtävänä on tehdä tuo tunne näkyväksi, antaa sille fyysinen olomuoto.

      It is usual to make a script for the art work before one start working. Or perhaps it is just worthwhile afterwards to give such an impression. The artist is commonly expected to give a description of the art work. On this course I hope you let your visual imagination dominate your impulses to explain the art work. However, an artwork is perhaps always an extension to the artist’s mind and it makes the hidden unconscious visible and once it is visible then it is easier to talk about it!

      Take one emotion a starting point to your art work. It doesn’t need to be any specified emotion such as happiness, hatred, shame or joy. It can be still an unspecified emotion which you recognize to be present. Make it visible, give it a physical shape.

Assessment Methods and Criteria
  • valid for whole curriculum period:

    Individual and small group discussion and critique. Active participation in classwork. Successful completion of own project.

  • valid for whole curriculum period:

    3 weeks intensive course. Students are expected to be present during all contact teaching (105 hrs), as well as to work independently (57 hrs) in the workshops on other days.


Substitutes for Courses


Further Information
  • valid for whole curriculum period:

    Teaching Language : English

    Teaching Period : 2022-2023 Spring IV
    2023-2024 Spring IV

    Enrollment :

    Registration for Courses in Sisu.

    Priority order to courses is according to the order of priority decided by the Academic committee for School of Arts, Design and Architecture: 

    Minimum amount of participants is 8 students. Maximum amount of participants is 15 students.

Details on the schedule
  • applies in this implementation

    Kontaktiopetuspäivät - contact teaching hours

    maanantai 27.2.  klo 9.15-16                                     

    tiistai 28.2. klo 9.15-17 Workshop courses (mandatory)

    keskiviikko 1.3. klo 9.15-17 Workshop courses (mandatory)                       

    torstai 2.3. klo 9.15-17                                                           

    perjantai 3.3. 9.15-17                                                 

    maanantai 6.3.  klo 13-16.30                         

    keskiviikko 8.3. klo 9.15-17                          

    torstai 9.3. klo 9.15-17                                                           

    perjantai 10.3. 9.15-17                                                           

    maanantai 13.3.  klo 13-16.30                                    

    keskiviikko 15.3. klo 9.15-17                                    

    torstai 16.3. klo 9.15-17                                                         

    perjantai 17.3. klo 9.15-17 critic