1. Can describe the main features of the physiological, physical and chemical background to the most common bioelectrical phenomena.
2. Can model and analyze these phenomena using a computer.
3. Can describe the structure and operating principle of some of the most common diagnostic and therapeutic equipment.
4. Can identify interference factors and their coupling mechanisms and explain solutions for shielding against the effects of interference.
Credits: 5
Schedule: 25.10.2023 - 30.11.2023
Teacher in charge (valid for whole curriculum period):
Teacher in charge (applies in this implementation): Ilkka Laakso, Lauri Palva
Contact information for the course (applies in this implementation):
You can contact the staff via email or Slack (link will be provided on the front page)
CEFR level (valid for whole curriculum period):
Language of instruction and studies (applies in this implementation):
Teaching language: English. Languages of study attainment: English
valid for whole curriculum period:
Medical diagnostics and therapy equipment, their construction and functions. Modelling and analysis of bioelectrical phenomena. Measurement and processing of bioelectrical signals.
applies in this implementation
Week 1: Modelling nerve stimulation using computational axon models
- Origin of electrical biosignals
- Modelling of axons of nerve cells
Week 2: Measurement of electrical biosignals
- Electrocardiograph (ECG)
- Doing ECG recordings
Week 3: Volume conductor models
- Electrical properties of biological tissues
- Electrical modelling of the human body
Week 4: Processing of biosignals
- Sources of artefacts
- Basic signal processing
Week 5: Recap
Group work: Medical devices, e.g.,
- Pulse oximeter
- Body composition meter
- Video-based biosignal measurements
- Anaesthesia machine
- Blood pressure measurement
- etc.
- Origin of electrical biosignals
Assessment Methods and Criteria
valid for whole curriculum period:
Lectures, exercises and group work.
applies in this implementation
Grading is based on exercise problems and group work. There is no exam.
Exercise problems: 60 p (five rounds, 12 p / round)
Group work: 30 + 10 p
- 30 p: video presentation
The points awarded depend on the grade of the presentation:
Excellent: 28–30 p
Very good: 25–27 p
Good: 22–24 p
Very satisfactory: 19-21 p
Satisfactory 16-18 p
- 10 p: Evaluation of other groups' work
Total: 100 p
Bonus points:
- Course feedback (1 p)
- Revision of assignments (≤ 10 p)
The points are converted to final grades according to the following table:
Excellent (5): 90.00 to 100.00 points
Very good (4): 80.00 to 89.99...
Good (3): 70.00 to 79.99...
Very satisfactory (2): 60.00 to 69.99...
Satisfactory (1): 50.00 to 59.99...Explanation for the point grade limits:
- For passing the course (1), you need to get one half of the maximum points (50 p).
- A grade of Excellent (5) can be obtained, for example, by getting 49 p from the exercises, revising them for 8 bonus points, getting a Good grade from the group work (22 p), evaluation of other group's works (10 p), and giving course feedback (1 p). 49 p + 8 p + 22 p + 10 p + 1 p = 90 p.
- 30 p: video presentation
valid for whole curriculum period:
Contact hours 30: Weekly lectures and exercises.
Attendance in lectures and exercises is not compulsory.
Self supported and group study 103: Weekly exercises and group work
Substitutes for Courses
valid for whole curriculum period:
valid for whole curriculum period:
SDG: Sustainable Development Goals
3 Good Health and Well-being
Further Information
valid for whole curriculum period:
Teaching Language : English
Teaching Period : 2022-2023 Autumn II
2023-2024 Autumn IIEnrollment :
Registration for Courses on Sisu (sisu.aalto.fi).