Please note! Course description is confirmed for two academic years, which means that in general, e.g. Learning outcomes, assessment methods and key content stays unchanged. However, via course syllabus, it is possible to specify or change the course execution in each realization of the course, such as how the contact sessions are organized, assessment methods weighted or materials used.


  • Understands the psychological and social psychological factors that impact behavior and performance on individual, team and organizational levels
  • Can acquire, discuss and apply evidence-based knowledge in the workplace.
  • Can analyse and address challenges related to managing human and organizational performance.
  • Has the aptitude and skills to design, implement and influence effective processes in teams and organizations
  • Understands the immediate and secondary organizational and societal consequences of people management related decisions and actions and is committed to ethical and inclusive professional practice.

Credits: 6

Schedule: 10.01.2024 - 15.02.2024

Teacher in charge (valid for whole curriculum period):

Teacher in charge (applies in this implementation): Marjo-Riitta Diehl, Mark van der Giessen

Contact information for the course (applies in this implementation):

CEFR level (valid for whole curriculum period):

Language of instruction and studies (applies in this implementation):

Teaching language: English. Languages of study attainment: English


  • valid for whole curriculum period:

    Drawing on organizational psychology, organizational behavior and HRM literatures, this course offers participants a deep dive into the psychological and social psychological factors and processes at the level of an individual, a team and an organization that help explaining human and organizational performance. For the purposes of this course, performance is broadly understood. Knowledge acquired in this course is valuable in many important areas of people management, such as recruitment and selection, goal setting, personnel assessment, leadership development and performance management, among others. Specific focus is set on bridging the gap between scientific knowledge managing human and organizational performance and the day-to-day decisions made in organization to help the participants develop into effective professionals and managers in the future. 

    Course content

    • Evidence based management
    • Understanding individual differences
    • Understanding individual attitudes and behavior
    • Understanding theories of motivation
    • Designing motivating work environment
    • Managing stress and emotions
    • Managing teams and team performance
    • Addressing conflicts and negotiations
    • Understanding power and politics

Assessment Methods and Criteria
  • valid for whole curriculum period:

    Team assignments:

    • A paper pitch video 
    • A research-based assignment 

    Individual assignments:

    • Learning blog
    • A written assignment 

  • applies in this implementation

    Team assignments:


    1.     A research plan, 25% of the course grade (evaluation is based on written assignment (80%) and a poster presentation (20%)

    ·       In your groups, please pick up a topic that is related to the course, review relevant literature and consider how you could scientifically gather evidence for effective management. Your research plan should contain an introduction, theoretical  background, research questions and a plan for methodology. It should also contain a section on possible limitations and value that your research could offer for practitioners.

    ·       Each group is assigned a tutor; please ensure that you meet your tutor to discuss your topic.

    ·       The assignments are presented in the final session of the course on February 15. These presentations take the world café format, so please prepare a poster on your research project, and several group members should be prepared to informally present and discuss your project in turns.

    ·       The final submission of your assignment is the February 20th. Thus, you can still modify and further develop your assignment based on the feedback you receive on the day of the presentations if you wish.


    2.     “A piece of scientific advice” paper pitch videos, 25% of the course grade

    ·       The idea of the paper pitch videos is to translate the insights of one academic article into actionable advice for managers.

    ·       The videos are watched together in relevant classes and uploaded in the course website (MyCourses).

    ·       Voting: The class votes for the: Best Storyline Award, Best Design Award & Best Entertainment Award; a jury of practitioners votes for the Best Advice Award

    ·       The deadline for each submission is January 30th, 4pm.

    ·       The pitches with most votes will each receive 2 points as an award. 


    Individual Assignments:


    3.     This made me think of… -essays, 50% of the course grade

    ·       It is inevitable that we cannot comprehensively cover all relevant aspects of each chosen topic and we are sure to leave out meaningful aspects of other people’s experiences or what others consider important. These essays are a way of filling the gaps that you identify and experience in five sessions of your choice. The key in these short essays is to critically link the course materials (the readings, film, class discussions, exercise) to a blog, a podcast, a video, an article, a book, a film, a piece of news or a personal experience that you think relates to the course theme in question. In your writing, please be sure not only to connect your four chosen gaps / aspects clearly to course materials (please reference appropriately) but also demonstrate how you extend our thinking from the class. Each short essay should be about 600 words.

    ·       The submission deadline for each week’s sessions is always on the Friday of that week, 4pm.


    Grading scale 0–5 will be used for the final course grade as follows: 

    •        0–49 points (%) = 0 (fail) 

    •        50–59 (%) points = 1 

    •        60–69 (%) points = 2 

    •        70–79 (%) points = 3 

    •        80–89 (%) points = 4 

    •        90–100 (%) points = 5 


    More detailed evaluation rubrics can be accessed via MyCourses.

    Fulfilling the final feedback for the course will award you 2 extra points.

  • valid for whole curriculum period:


    Preparation for lectures

    Team assignments


    Independent study

    This course requires attendance and active participation to the lectures.


Substitutes for Courses


Further Information
  • valid for whole curriculum period:

    Teaching Language : English

    Teaching Period : 2022-2023 Spring III
    2023-2024 Spring III

    Enrollment :

    Students are admitted to the course in the following priority order: 1) People Management and Organizational Development students, 2) BIZ exchange students, 3) other students.