Upon completion of the course, the students will be able to:
- identify the influence of audience on presentation content, style and organisation
- create a presentation outline to ensure a clear organisation of contents, including an introduction, body, conclusion and transitional statements
- design effective presentation slides that reinforce the message of the presentation
- deliver a presentation on a topic related to their field of study in English
- analyse their strengths and development areas as presenters in English
Credits: 2
Schedule: 21.10.2024 - 01.12.2024
Teacher in charge (valid for whole curriculum period):
Teacher in charge (applies in this implementation): Jenni Korvala
Contact information for the course (applies in this implementation):
CEFR level (valid for whole curriculum period): C1
Language of instruction and studies (applies in this implementation):
Teaching language: English. Languages of study attainment: English
valid for whole curriculum period:
This course applies a process approach to learning, in which students plan, prepare, practise and deliver an informative presentation on a topic from their own fields of study. Students start out by analysing their background and experiences as presenters and users of English in order to establish personal goals and areas of development. Students watch and analyse presentations in order to discuss elements of effective presentations. Students plan their talk for academic, non-expert audiences by creating an outline, including the introduction, body, and conclusion as well as transitions. Students familiarise themselves with principles of effective slide design and apply these to their own presentation. Students practise their presentation in small groups and give each other constructive feedback. Based on this process, they create a final version of the talk.
Working Life Skills: Knowledge of research and know-how in own field, Skills in a foreign language, Information retrieval skills, Oral communication, Self-awareness, Self-confidence, Lifelong learning skills, Working independently, and Time management
Assessment Methods and Criteria
valid for whole curriculum period:
- Assignments 60%
- Presentation (videoed) 40%
valid for whole curriculum period:
54 h (independent online study 46 - 52 h, and small group meetings 2 - 6 h)
The small group meetings of some iterations of the course may be held on-site (campus), and for some iterations, these meetings might be held partially or entirely online. Please check each iteration's course description and further information in Sisu for verification of its mode.
Study Material
valid for whole curriculum period:
Provided in MyCourses
Substitutes for Courses
valid for whole curriculum period:
valid for whole curriculum period:
Further Information
valid for whole curriculum period:
Teaching Language: English
Teaching Period: 2024-2025 Autumn I
2024-2025 Autumn II
2024-2025 Spring III
2024-2025 Spring IV
2024-2025 Spring V
2024-2025 Summer
2025-2026 Autumn I
2025-2026 Autumn II
2025-2026 Spring III
2025-2026 Spring IV
2025-2026 Spring V
2025-2026 SummerRegistration:
Teh course is targeted at students from CHEM, ELEC, ENG and SCI. Students are considered for admission in order of highest number of credits.
applies in this implementation
Applies in this implementation
The policy on using ChatGPT and other AI-aided tools in coursework
For the sake of your OWN long-term learning, limit your use of AI-tools to checking the accuracy of single phrases or words in spelling or meaning and nothing else. For assignments requiring your own research and/or reporting back, the text and/or figures you submit are expected to be completely generated by you and appropriately referenced. Again, you may use online tools to check spelling and terminology.
If you do find yourself forced to use any AI tool for an assignment to create text (sentences and longer), then you are expected to clearly mark it. In other words, you should indicate which part of the text or image has been created by AI, and mention which tools were used, when, and why. This can be done as comments and in-text references in the body of the text or as a separate document.
Please also be aware that if you have used ChatGPT and/or other AI-aided tools more than is reasonable and as described above, then this might affect your grade and coursework. Turnitin plug-in checks are in use in this implementation.