Huomaa! Kurssikuvaus vahvistetaan kahdeksi lukuvuodeksi kerrallaan ja esimerkiksi osaamistavoitteet, arviontimenetelmät ja keskeinen sisältö pysyvät pääsääntöisesti samana. Kullakin toteutuskerralla voidaan kuitenkin kurssiesitteen avulla tarkentaa ja muuttaa kurssin toteutustapaa, kuten kontaktiopetuksen järjestämistapaa, arviointimenetelmien painotusta tai materiaaleja.


After completing the course, regarding

I The fundamentals of quantum mechanics the student

  • deepens his/her understanding of the central quantum mechanical concepts and phenomena like the Schrödinger equation, the wave function, quantization, the Heisenberg uncertainty principle, and spin.
  • will be able to utilise quantum mechanical concepts to describe atoms and molecules at both the quantitative and qualitative level.

II The structure of atoms and molecules the student can

  • utilize simple quantum mechanical models (i.e. particle-in-a-box, quantum mechanical rigid rotor), to model and predict the behavior of more complicated quantum mechanical systems like atoms and molecules.
  • describe how quantum mechanical principles manifest in atomic structure and the periodic table based on the simplest atomic model (the hydrogen atom).
  • explain how chemical bonds form in simple systems based on modern quantum mechanical theories of chemical bonding (the molecular orbital theory). The student can contrast this model with the previously learned descriptions of chemical bonding and is familiar with the inadequacies of those models.
  • can qualitatively analyse the properties of molecular orbitals in small systems based on their appearance.

III Study skills the student

  • obtains better problem solving skills and becomes better equipped to systematically tackle open-ended problems.
  • habituates to studying the lecture material beforehand  and can discuss difficulties in the comprehension of the material with others.
  • learns to critically self-assess their competency on the level of the course rather than the individual exercise.

Laajuus: 5

Aikataulu: 02.09.2024 - 11.10.2024

Vastuuopettaja (voimassa koko opetussuunnitelmakauden):

Vastuuopettaja (koskee tätä kurssikertaa): Lauri Partanen

Kurssin yhteystiedot (koskee tätä kurssikertaa):

Kurssin CEFR-taso (voimassa koko opetussuunnitelmakauden):

Opetuskieli ja suorituskielet (koskee tätä kurssikertaa):

Teaching language: Finnish. Languages of study attainment: English


  • voimassa koko opetussuunnitelmakauden:

    Fundamentals of quantum chemistry, atomic and molecular orbitals.

Toteutus, työmuodot ja arvosteluperusteet
  • voimassa koko opetussuunnitelmakauden:

    Multiform teaching, exercises, project work, exam

Työmäärä toteutustavoittain
  • voimassa koko opetussuunnitelmakauden:

    Multiform teaching and exercises, optional project work and exam.


  • voimassa koko opetussuunnitelmakauden:

    T. Engel and P. Reid: Quantum chemistry and spectroscopy , 3rd ed. (Pearson) or T.Engel and P. Reid: Physical Chemistry , 3rd ed. (Pearson).

  • voimassa koko opetussuunnitelmakauden:


SDG: Kestävän kehityksen tavoitteet

    7 Edullista ja puhdasta energiaa

    9 Kestävää teollisuutta, innovaatioita ja infrastruktuureja

    12 Vastuullista kuluttamista


  • voimassa koko opetussuunnitelmakauden:

    Teaching Language: English

    Teaching Period: 2024-2025 Autumn I
    2025-2026 Autumn I


    The course is intended only for students either in the bachelor programme in Chemical Engineering (Finnish) or master students of the School of Chemical Engineering.  A course implementation may be cancelled if the number of students enrolled to the course implementation does not meet the required minimum of five students. In the case of cancelled course implementations, the students enrolled to them must be provided with an alternative way of completing the course or be advised to take some other applicable course.