The course learning objective is to provide the knowledge, processes and tools for planing and implementing proactive sales activities that build on identifying and implementing customer value creating relationships. The course teaches key value creation concepts and processes, activities and tools. The course positions selling as a device for change, with central themes including understanding customer goals, identifying the change required to reach the goals, and developing a jointly implemented solution to reach the goals. The impact of the change are evaluated at the organisational and societal levels from the sustainability perspective.Credits: 6
Schedule: 21.10.2024 - 29.11.2024
Teacher in charge (valid for whole curriculum period):
Teacher in charge (applies in this implementation): Hedon Blakaj, Pekka Töytäri
Contact information for the course (applies in this implementation):
CEFR level (valid for whole curriculum period):
Language of instruction and studies (applies in this implementation):
Teaching language: English. Languages of study attainment: Finnish, English
valid for whole curriculum period:
Definition, explanation, and attributes of customer value, value innovation and sustainable value creation, buying and selling as structured processes, activities, encounters, and tools. Sales planning and evaluation.
Assessment Methods and Criteria
valid for whole curriculum period:
The course grading builds on online assignments in the learning environment.
valid for whole curriculum period:
The course learning is based on self study of reading materials (such as articles, book chapters and white papers) and videos.
Study Material
valid for whole curriculum period:
Reading materials (such as articles, book chapters and white papers) and videos.
Substitutes for Courses
valid for whole curriculum period:
valid for whole curriculum period:
Further Information
valid for whole curriculum period:
Teaching Language: English
Teaching Period: 2024-2025 Autumn I - Summer
2025-2026 Autumn I - Summer