
    • Contact session 1: Intro/Tier regulations/real-life examples of electric topology for NRMM

      Contact session 2: Topology of NRMM Regeneration and optimizations options, discussion about Productivity/ efficiency/ performance& controllability

      Contact session 3: Actuators/motors

      Contact session 4: Energy storage

      Contact session 5: Control/Management & Working cycles for non-road mobile machine

      Contact session 6: Current Situation in Finland/ legislation/Seminar

    • Mapp icon
      Contact Session 1 Mapp
    • Mapp icon
      Contact Session 2 Mapp
    • Mapp icon
      Contact Session 3 Mapp
    • Mapp icon
      Contact Session 4 Mapp
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      Contact Session 5 Mapp
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      Additional_recommended_reading_techical Mapp

      In this folder are article which can support your learning.

      Articles are recomended but not mandotory.

    • Mapp icon
      Additional_recommended_reading _writting Mapp

      In this folder are article which can support your learning.

      Articles are recomended but not mandotory.