Kie-98.6011 & Kie-98.6012 Saksa 1A & B (in English)
Topic outline
Course coordinator
Lecturer Pauli Kudel (Group 1 on Wednesdays)
Arja Blanco (Group 2 on Thursdays)
Caren Schröder (Group 3 on Mondays)
Learning targets
After completing this course, students should be able to introduce themselves, explain where they live and what their hobbies are, ask and respond to the question "how are you?", buy tickets, ask for directions, order in a café and book a hotel room.
German pronunciation, basic grammar including important verb structures, listening comprehension. Face-to-face sessions will focus on spoken German exercises and German-speaking countries and cultures.
Compulsory attendance at all face-to-face sessions.
Gruppe H3 (montags)