Topic outline

  • A!Peda Intro (28)


    Photo. M. Syrjäkari

    Themes of the course include:
    • Teaching culture at Aalto University
    • Approaches to learning
    • Planning and practicing for a teaching session
    • Developing your own teaching and teacher identity
    • Working in a multidisciplinary group

    The contents of this course may vary depending on the specific needs and objectives of each group. Teaching and learning methods on this course include introductions to new topics, group work (partly online), experimentation through practice, demonstrations, case examples and peer feedback. At the end of the course, the participants prepare a summary, which can be included in their teaching portfolio. Participants are encouraged and expected to have an active role in the learning process.

    Time and place

    Thursday 7th April, from 9.00 till 15.30, Kemistintie 1, lecturer room KE3
    Thursday 14th April, from 12.00 till 15.30,  Kemistintie 1, lecture room KE 3
    Thursday 21st April, from 9.00 till 15.30,  Kemistintie 1, lecture room KE 3
    Thursday 12th, May from 12.00 till 15.30,  Otakaari 4, lecture room 324b
    Thursday 2nd June, from 9.00 till 15.30,  Kemistintie 1, lecture room KE 3

    Teachers: Maire Syrjäkari (teacher in charge) and Virve Pekkarinen