A!Peda Intro (32) Spring 2017
For your peer group meetings:
- Make a plan for the meetings in order to further your objectives. For instance:
- 1st meeting: clarify objectives, divide tasks, planning of how to report the outcomes...
- 2nd meeting: discussion about found answers, new viewpoints, new ideas and integration of viewpoints as well as planning the presentation of group objectives, process and outcomes for the last face-to-face teaching session
- Write a summary of each meeting & the final outcome on MyCourses (agree on who in your group does this) on your groups discussion area.
Peer groups are presenting a group work/findings/outcomes at the last contact teaching session 21.3.2017
- Plan and implement, as a group, about 30 min (+10 min for discussion) "teaching session" to the whole group in order to teach the others something you have learnt.
- Familiarize yourselves with different kinds of teaching methods (for example Hyppönen & Linden: Handbook for teachers - course structures, teaching methods and assessment pages 34-55) and choose an appropriate method for your session.