MS-E1990 Boij-Söderberg theory
Topic outline
[kokolaitos-math] Seminar course MS-E1990 Boij-Söderberg theory [] för Engström Alexander [] Skickat: den 5 september 2017 11:57 Till: *** Seminar course MS-E1990 Boij-Söderberg theory ***
Betti numbers are central invariants of objects in algebraic geometry and several long-standing conjectures and hard theorems about them were shown to follow by a new surprising conjecture stated by Boij and Söderberg in 2006. Its proof by Eisenbud and Schreyer was published 2009 in JAMS. In this course we will cover the basic theory and further developments by for example Engström and Stamps.
The course starts next week and a firm understanding of algebraic geometry is a prerequisite. The students will participate actively by giving talks on papers and open problems. Please mail me this week if you want to attend. The schedule is partly up for negotiation. An odd fact is that vector bundles and Boij-Söderberg theory was “explained" in the U.S. Congress on December 13, 2012, as an example of why math should be funded. ( )