Osion kuvaus

  • The work and the report will first be evaluated by the instructor and finally by the supervisor who approves the grade. The instructor should make a written statement of the work according to the guidelines below, using the evaluation form that can be found in Forms and documents. Available grades range from 1 to 5 and only integer numbers can be used in the evaluation.

    The following main questions should be answered in the evaluation: how well the expectations were met, how creative and independent the student was, how much time was required for the work, and what is the quality of the report?

    Every special assigment should be completed (including writing of the report) within 3 - 5 months from its beginning. Because a special assignment is worth of 10 credit points, this corresponds working 13 - 20 h/week for it. The time spent is considered in the grade as explained below.

    The text of the report should be objective and linguistically correct. The report should be clear, consistent in structure, and congruent and correct with the use of terminology. The report should also look good when it comes to figures, tables, equations and references.

    Guidelines for grading

    In the case of literature surveys, obtaining grades 4 – 5 requires, in addition to the above guidelines:

    • critical analysis and discussion of the reviewed literature and/or data
    • synthesis of the gathered information to student’s own conclusions and recommendations
    • organization of the collected data in clear and useful figures, tables or electronic database, depending on the purpose and nature of the assignment.

    Evaluation report

    Please, include the following information in the evaluation report:

    • Name of the student
    • Student number
    • Name of the work (i.e. title of the report)
    • Level, scope and learning: What was expected and what was achieved? What were the challenges of the topic? What were the essential parts that the student spent her/his time with?
    • Performance: How much time was used for the work? How independent and creative was the student?
    • Report: Structure, clarity, language, figures and tables. Please, evaluate the contribution of the student, not the final report polished by the instructor.
      Note specific merits of the report that would serve as an example for other students.
    • Suggestion for the grade
    • Date when the work started (at least month and year)
    • Date, signature and contact information of the instructor